pictures of danny and brandy shelton

Case in point: You just made the statement that I told Linda that if she consulted an attorney prior to signing the agreement she would get nothing. The name Trinity certainly would have a history with Danny Shelton. The dirty laundry is waiting to be exposed. I know it makes for a good story of why I wanted to dump Linda according to you and others but it is not true. Here's what's wrong with your deceiving yourself. Yvonne Lewis is now the General Manager of 3ABN's new television network, . Shelton entered 2014 as a starter for the third straight year. If she WAS married at the time, then tell me who she was married to - with the proof - and I will admit that that was a false accusation - and I will apologize, when I see the proof. pictures of danny and brandy shelton tuna salad with yogurt and apples. I only throw out the money not because I have much but because I know people well enough to know that gives them an incentive to find the truth. But she continued to refer to it as ugly juice. Nor was I allowed to have the Social Security numbers for any of them, something that is required by the DNA testing companies. Caregiver at Greene . (Her other daughters name is Jody, who is probably named after Brandys twin sister - now deceased). A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. View the profiles of people named Brandy Shelton. Linda had no clue that Danny had already made plans to divorce her long before she traveled to Norway, in February of 2004, to visit her son. You are making a big mistake. Danny Shelton. I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. Since my trip to Southern Illinois on April 28, 2009, and my return on April 29 after collecting the DNA samples from Danny and Brandy Shelton and a child identified to me as Trinity Murray, I have had to travel to Texas and to Washington, D.C. plus try to catch up on my work when I have returned home from each trip. Brandy Shelton. And your endorsement of such a travesty is shameful. I brought fingerprinting equipment, a still camera for picture taking of those being DNA tested and to photograph the original identification documents, as well as a video camera to videotape the actual taking of the DNA specimens, plus I had two people with me to run the cameras (a still camera and a video camera). I have no interest in your money - or anyone else's money. passed away on October 24, 2022. Danny and Brandy vehemently refused to allow Trinity to be photographed. Join Facebook to connect with Brandi Tolbert-Shelton and others you may know. But just minutes before we were to meet, Danny called me on my cell phone and asked to change the location again, to the Post Office in Benton, Ill. Court-approved, legal DNA testing requires: 1. a picture to be taken of the one tested If she has proof that I buffalo-ed herthen why all the secrecy? No one thinks you are an idiot. It is sad to say that Danny Shelton has not even settled the financial portion of his divorce with Linda, his second wife, five years after he divorced her, and now his third wife, Brandy, apparently has left him, according to a source who is in a position to know. According to public documents, Brandys first marriage was to Shawn Brannack on 6/10/96, three years after she gave birth to his child, Jody. So, then Yes, the difference WOULD be if YOU are the real father. To: Danny Shelton Brandy Shelton and Danny Shelton, Case No. [18] They usually are very curious to see what is going on around them. If not, he should keep his mouth shut. Why hadn't Danny already done that? DDC is the most recommended and accredited DNA paternity testing laboratory. In May of 2000, three months after the birth of Trinity, Brandy married Kevin Murray, (marriage certificate) who is now, or has been, in jail as a drug offender (cocaine and marijuana) according to public records. Irrespective of who owns the car, it is against the law to tape a conversation without both parties knowing it and agreeing to it. If you can prove that Brandy (the now Brandy Shelton) worked with you while you were at 3ABN during any years prior to my divorce I'll give you $100,000! Because I have said that I worked with Brandy at 3ABN when I was there in June of 1999. Whoever can be determined to be telling the truth, that is the side I'm on. [12] Shelton had wanted the number since being drafted by the Browns but opted for his college 71 since 55 was unavailable. But no one thinks you are an idiot. I cant read his mind to detect the reason, but I had told him repeatedly that demanding that I or anyone else put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested certainly made him look guilty. And his answer that the wife (meaning Linda) did not want to remain married to her husband was blatantly false. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) Where is your obligation to pursue truth? In that agreement, Danny decided (for unexplained reasons) to drop the demand that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested, even though for the previous couple of months he had held to his requirement of demanding that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested. The IRS states that in order for a parent to claim a child as a deduction on his or her income tax, the child must have a Social Security number. [34], On May 1, 2011, Shelton and his brothers were involved in an altercation at an apartment complex in Auburn, Washington. DNA testing Agreement wadded up and thrown away? You always want me to prove what I say. I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. Brandi Shelton's Phone Number and Email Last Update. Brandi L Shelton Associated Addresses. They failed to prove it so moved on to other accusations. Brandy is related to Rachel Ashlie Shelton and Robert Earnest Shelton as well as 2 additional people. I call that a business investment. That's what you did with Joy and Pickle. I dropped everything I was doing and immediately flew to Southern Illinois at my own expense - to help his mother, a patient with advanced cancer, who had been given up by the medical doctors, declared inoperable, and terminal. CASPER, Wyo. Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant. Don't you see that adding such a condition only makes you look even more guilty! How in the world would I have ever recognized Brandy from her picture on 3ABN if I had never seen her before? The signature on the line labeled Brandy Shelton on this document is quite different from the signature of Brandy Elswick (her maiden name) on the license for her marriage to Kevin Murray (Brandys second husband, who she divorced just one month before she supposedly arrived at 3ABN for the first time in November of 2004 according to Danny Shelton). 3ABN, Danny. When searching around for a possible answer, apparently a number of people have questioned whether Brandy's child is yours. Thanks again for your help. The reason this is important to say is that when I arrived in Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens, Brandy became very angry and accused me of harassing her family. I had done nothing of the kind. . On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I met Danny and Brandy Shelton in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois Post Office to collect DNA specimens for Paternity testing of Trinity Murray, the daughter of Brandy Elswick Shelton. But after only a few weeks of trying to follow the Health Plan, she said she wanted to go back to her old ways of eating, and she did not want to drink the fresh home-made vegetable juice. It is my belief that Danny Shelton is the father of Trinity, that Brandy threatened to expose this truth if he did not divorce Linda and marry Brandy, and that Danny was motivated to retain his founder/leadership position at 3ABN, as this position fed his sick ego and allowed him to feel important. Last Name. It is known that Brandy has several sisters. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I know youre not coming because you know that I am not the father of Trinity. He repeated this litany so many times that I became fatigued with it. [9] He finished the season with nine sacks. Eighth-year defensive tackle enters his first season with the Chiefs in 2022. Don't you think Linda would know or any other worker at 3ABN would know if Brandy ever worked there before 2004? They can be altered easily in the process of copying. But when I saw Brandys signature on that document, it looked strange to me, as though it was a mans handwriting possibly a forgery of her name. Danny Shelton is on Facebook. what is multiplicative comparison. No Brandy's daughter is not my daughter. No I never met Brandy so I could not have fathered her child since I had not laid eyes on her for well over 20 years. He explained he wanted to adorn 55 as tributes to his brother Shennon and former NFL linebacker Junior Seau, both of whom have died and have worn 55 while playing football. And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. According to Lina, the car in question was solely in her name, but even that fact has nothing to do with Dannys illegal act. I am. Danny Shelton brought up the subject, ----- Original Message ----- On April 30, 2015, Shelton was drafted by the Cleveland Browns with the 12th overall selection of the first round in the 2015 NFL Draft. Another subject: When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. So why do you care so much? The divorce occurred on 10/07/99. But if she did not sign the agreement and someone else signed her name without her knowledge, her quarrel should be with that person not us! Detroit Lions nose tackle Danny Shelton (71) stands up after tackling New Orleans Saints running back Latavius Murray (28) during the second half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020 in Detroit. Thanks again for talking with me tonight. Company Information; FAQ; Stone Materials. And this circumstantial evidence is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Why do you think that Dannys goal has been to force a Silence Agreement on everyone who has information about this sordid episode! Daniel Saileupumoni Shelton (born August 20, 1993)[3] is an American football defensive tackle for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL). Yet, according to public records, Brandy Shelton IS an adulteress and has also had a child out of wedlock. I have even heard that some at 3ABN have said, God talks to Danny Shelton, and Danny Shelton talks to us. When I left to come home, I gave Goldie my phone number and told her she could call any time - which she did. This is what the U.S. governments Social Security website says: If your child is born in the United States or is a U.S. citizen born abroad, you need a Social Security number to claim your child as a dependent on your income tax return. See Photos. Box 8 Delve Bright Corporation 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Lorraine, since you believe that Brandy worked there years ago and I knew her and you also believe that I was looking for a reason to get rid of Linda and I eventually married Brandy coupled together with your quote to me below, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you could have been referring toand I think you did. (Google, Instagram, word of mouth etc.) Box 8 Without the direct evaluation of the proper original documents for identification, without pictures, without fingerprints . I asked Danny to have each person bring the two required pieces of U.S. government approved Identification (usually a passport and a government issued I.D. But it seems no one cares at all and Brandy is accepted with open arms by the very same people who have destroyed LindaSheltons reputation throughout the world with FALSE accusations of the SAME sin. Danny has repeatedly stated that I would not post these results, but he is obviously wrong. Message * Thank you! BRANDI . I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. My next contact with either Danny or Linda (after Dannys 2004 phone call to me) occurred about the middle of July of 2008 four years later - when I received a call from Linda asking me if I would be willing to call Danny and ask him to meet with her in a public place to talk over the financial settlement for the divorce so Linda would not have to pay increasingly expensive attorneys fees - with money she did not have. . To: Danny Shelton Laney Chantal. Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 2:59 PM Why? But now that I was to be there in his territory, I pointed out that he could bring the tape and play it for me without having the tape leave his possession. It may not be apparent on the scan, but it is clear when looking at the DNA testing agreement directly that when Danny received the document, someone crushed the papers up into a ball that would fit into a persons clenched fist. Join Facebook to connect with Brandy Appleton and others you may know. The only time I had ever met Brandy she was 13 years old when her folks came to my house nearly 25 years ago to do a recording. I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? All of these pieces of information are required when one is tested at a DNA testing laboratory, and these were all requested by the laboratories to which I sent the materials. I have written a letter to them. Danny deliberately and falsely - made Linda the object of contempt to point the finger away from him and towards Linda - in order to cover up his own despicable behavior! No one could be seen sitting in the back seat of the truck. Instead Danny handed me Xeroxed copies of the documents (a picture of one page of the passports for Danny and Brandy and Trinity, and Drivers licenses for Danny and Brandy). Email or phone: Password: . Brandi was baptised at the same time . I quote you. passed away on October 31, 2022. But no one had brought them. You have to admit, it does look suspicious. Apparently no parent is claiming this child as a deduction on his or her income tax. Why was I given Xerox copies of the documents, copies that could easily have been altered? Linda now agrees that hers and Alyssas plan to play a trick on Danny was not very funny. But at the time, she had no idea why Dannys behavior had become so bizarre. Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. I have it on my desk as I am writing to you. The average person would assume that you had known her much longer. So, Walter Thompson and all you other Board members, tell me and tell the world WHY did you fire Linda Shelton from her position as Vice President of 3ABN? Additionally, Danny himself informed a pastor at the ASI . . When meeting with Roger Goodell on stage, he hugged the commissioner and lifted him off the ground in excitement. Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11:01 PM Danny Shelton And Yvonne Lewis Wedding.In 2006, danny married his third wife, brandy, who worked in the office at 3abn. Genetic Profiles Have you asked Linda if Brandy worked there before we were divorced. Circumstantial evidence it is, but a lot stronger circumstantial evidence than anything you have against Linda Shelton. Join Facebook to connect with Brandy Criss and others you may know. And will you give your answer under oath? Find 151 people named Brandy Shelton along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. And she certainly is not an adulteress. She was not given an opportunity to stand on her own so it was impossible to tell how tall she was. They would want to make sure that Brandys DNA was close enough to this childs DNA for Brandy to pass as the mother of this child? (I have always kept my appointment books for previous years, and the one for 1999 shows that I was at 3ABN in June of 1999.) Christine Yates . Browse and comment on Brandi Wagner-Shelton's photos on Myspace, a place where people come to connect, discover, and share. [14] The deal became official on March 14, 2018, at the start of the NFL year. But he did. It's unreal that you will not acknowledge that maybe you are mistaken. She has a deep love of music, cooking, and planting things. During the conversation, Danny refused to meet with Linda with or without me present and said that Linda actually owed him money in the divorce. $1.26 251 Used from $0.99 21 New from $4.99 5 Collectible from $7.00. So If I'm being accused the accuser should have his ducks in a row before he accuses me. Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. You guys say everything should be up front with nothing to hide! (Apparently she and her family had come to 3ABN to sing when Brandy and her siblings were children.). You tell me that when a person accuses another of doing something wrong they have to prove it. By AT News Team, August 6, 2015: With the retirement of Pastor Jim Gilley on July 20, Danny Shelton was again appointed president of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN). It was only a short time before a specific date was chosen for the testing to be done that he, without any explanation, dropped the demand for $10,000.00. It is impossible to know the identity of the other party on the line. If rumors like that are circulating, you could put them to rest immediately by having a paternity test done on the man who supposedly is paying her child support and a paternity test on yourself, as well as the child. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. He gave me his e-mail address so I could e-mail my mailing address to him. Whoa! In these results the DNA testing laboratories do not explicitly state that Brandy Shelton is the mother of the child tested, and I am not schooled in reading DNA test results, so I dont know. In addition, according to Illinois law, it is against the law to tape a phone conversation between two people unless BOTH people know it and approve it. Where is your intestinal fortitude to tackle a difficult problem? They have also lived in Glasgow, KY. Danny is related to Bill Shelton and Phillip Michael Shelton as well as 3 additional people. No, they chose to do it secretly, at home. Officials in Sweetwater County, Wyoming say that 26 individuals were arrested, and over a 27 pounds of methamphetamine seized, in a joint operation between multiple law enforcement agencies and the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. You have not because she will tell you that Brandy never worked there and that she had never met Brandy. From: Lorraine Day [23] On January 2, 2021, Shelton was activated off of injured reserve. Amid the cresendo of concern, a lone voice vies for attention, "If you love Me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. Through live sessions led by Tinkergarten Leaders and on-demand, self-guided activities, we make purposeful, outdoor play doable for every family. To my knowledge there has never been any Brandy who worked there before the now Brandy Shelton. So, it's my life that is at stake. Here is the e-mail in which Danny offers to get DNA tested for paternity of Trinity, but ONLY if I put up $10,000. I wonder who could have been posting that deliberately false information!! (End of pertinent section of Dec. 23, 2008 e-mail). 10-DR . I never even knew her then. She said no because she didn't want to have to pay her attorney John Drew. (Please see a copy of that letter below.). WHY, if this child was in truth Trinity Murray, and Danny is NOT the father of Trinity Murray, would they do that? Isn't it strange that the advice you give me you won't take yourself? THAT would put the matter to rest forever. We are all accountable to the Lord for our actions. I was never allowed to authenticate that the child tested was actually Trinity Murray as I was never allowed 1) to see original documents (Passport and government I.D. Burden of proof on Lorraine. How can anyone know if Danny Shelton is right or wrong without hearing Lindas side? I then asked if the woman had committed physical adultery with another man, and he answered, No. I asked, Does the wife still want to be married to her husband? Danny Sheltons answer was, No. But I later found out that last answer by Danny was not true! In psychiatric terms, that is called projection. There are 30+ professionals named "Brandy Shelton", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. From: Lorraine Day I will do that when I receive the test results from both DNA testing laboratories. If the child tested was NOT Trinity Murray who was she? And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. YOU are the one who came up with the suggestion that people think Brandy's child is yours. I'll tell you what I'll do. She said she had her mother and Bill Kerr and that she trusted them. Since Jesus said, I AM the. 5. As a sophomore and junior in 2012 and 2013 he started every game at nose tackle for the Huskies. 4. examination of 2 pieces of government issued I.D., such as a Drivers license and a Passport. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I met Danny and Brandy Shelton in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois Post Office to collect DNA specimens for Paternity testing of Trinity Murray, the daughter of Brandy Elswick Shelton. So Danny maliciously and viciously dumped his wife, Linda, in a whirlwind of false accusations of spiritual and physical adultery, yet immediately took up with and then married - Brandy, who is, by available court records, a fornicator and an adulteress!! So why would Brandy and Danny refuse to allow a picture of Trinity? When Linda would confront Danny about going through her belongings, he would deny it. You seem to think that if you tell me enough times that I could NOT have worked with Brandy at that time, that I may start believing you. Siblings can often have fairly close DNA matches as they are often chosen as organ donors. pictures of danny and brandy sheltonhtml5 interactive animation. The board acted upon Danny desire. It is not possible to identify the other party on the line or hear anything the other party was saying. After all, we both agreed a number of years ago when we were talking, that if I am preaching the wrong gospel or, in this case, if I do not do what I have promised you that I would do, I would probably lose my health. It hurts you and sets you up to believe other falsehoods that Satan wants you to believe. You obviously considered her expendable! I don't even know how they heard about my little home studio. In addition, I was not allowed to take fingerprints of Trinity nor of Danny or Brandy. 1 / 21. [16] Shelton helped the Patriots reach Super Bowl LIII, where they defeated the Los Angeles Rams 13-3. She said she couldnt figure out why he began behaving as he had and she was devastated by the divorce and the loss of her job at 3ABN. On February 23, 2017, Shelton underwent a minor wrist surgery. passed away on September 7, 2022. In the interrogatories she even asks if I have been to the Bahamas' or Cayman Island since our divorce! If no fraud was planned for the real DNA testing, then why would they all secretly get tested beforehand as a dry run? Is there a marriage license to prove that? If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to take her fingerprints (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)? Otherwise, why wouldnt they produce it! I'll let that one rest. But I know I worked with her at that time. If indeed Brandy signed the original DNA testing agreement on April 1 an entire month before the testing took place as the document shows, why was she angry now? Updated 1/10/2013 2011 Form 990. the PDF of I met Danny Shelton through my devotion for songwriting. Linda is not the person saying this. I didn't make any accusations against either one of you. She was miserable and decided to give up. Thank you! Later I was able to establish by my 1999 Schedule book that I worked with Brandy in June of 1999.). The actual court papers: Danny claims more "non-compete" money given to him in 2009. A backlash of attention to the Ten Commandments--unleashed by recent U.S. court rulings--rallied Christians in defense of its public display. Why has Danny, at every turn, tried to silence Linda and others - with Silence Agreements? Danny's net worth hovers over $10,000 - $24,999 with a yearly income that's about $80 - 89,999. 4. Beans are relatively high in protein and a sick person has difficulty digesting them, plus they often produce gas and bloating that can cause great discomfort and the inability to eat. It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. It appears that if someone does not believe as you would like them to believe, that you just keep saying the same thing over and over and over again - in hopes that the person will decide that you must be right. We donors have a right to know the truth. Send it to me at the address on this letterhead. Is it recordings? Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? No Comments . But again, my traveling to Southern Illinois to obtain the DNA test specimens has raised more questions than it has answered. Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. That is obviously the reason she was forced to sign a Silence Agreement under the threat of receiving NO compensation at all when she was thrown out of 3ABN by Danny and the Board, if she did not sign it. Because even they when they have made big statements.then investigated farther. suddenly became silent and didn't press the issue any more. What would be his motivation for trying to extort $10,000.00 from me, if it wasnt outright greed? He said it was when a wife had given her heart to another man. What did she get for her 11-12 hour work-days for almost 20 years, her donations of her CD royalties to 3ABN, Lindas repeated giving of her weekends for years and years to travel for 3ABN after working long hours all week, and her allegiance and total dedication to the network for almost twenty years? I would never have believed that you can hold yourselfin so high esteem that you won't admit that you could be wrong. .truth wouldnt it be wise to pursue Jesus and the truth rather than mindlessly and vapidly supporting an institution without even demanding evidence? View the profiles of professionals named "Brandy Shelton" on LinkedIn. P.O. He was the founder of the independent ministry and served as president for 24 years until he stepped aside in 2008 due to a number of problems in his personal life and . Danny has very deep pockets. pictures of danny and brandy shelton. Paperback. I told you what I was thinking. If Brandy had an over-whelming desire to be associated with a Christian organization, the east-coast headquarters for numerous Christian ministries, including one of the worlds largest and most respected Campus Crusade for Christ - is Orlando, Florida, a short drive up the road of about an hour and a half from where she was living in Tampa.

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