By RUSSELL HUFFMAN Glen Rose's Wes Monk is going to have a hard time topping his December 6, hunting trip, but, then again, he has the story of a lifetime. MINERAL WELLS, TexasThe Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will be taking a closer look at a mountain lion killed this week on State Highway 337, just north of Mineral Wells. Recent studies have shown lions kill more prey meat than they need, leaving behind free meals for birds, insects and other scavenger critters to feast on. The mountain lion was an older adult male about six feet in length and weighed about 160 lbs. "Hood County Sheriff Roger Deeds always airs on the side of caution when it comes to the safety and well-being of the citizens of Hood County and will continue to alert them of any safety issue that may affect them," the sheriff's office added. Texas game wardens have a strong hunch that the nearly six-foot long, 160-pound male mountain lion might have been the very same lion spotted just a few weeks ago further south. Thanks for donating today. Officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department couldnt find evidence of a mountain lion attack at the scene, or on Whiteleys body. Member-Only Message Boards. The department also called fatal mountain lion attacks "extremely rare.". just massive.. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Mountain lion caught on camera near Rowlett in rare sighting, Rockwall-Heath coach resigns after school workout investigation, Prosper man who shot neighbor's pit bull will not face charges, Watch: New video from Hubble space telescope captures asteroid-smashing debris from successful DART mission, Carrollton man charged after allegedly using arrest of fentanyl suspects to advertise his own drugs, 3 children killed, 2 hurt in Italy, Texas, Airplane aces US test flight running on pure hydrogen power, Clean up continuing for some North Texans after Thursday's storms, Marchment, Pavelski end droughts as Stars dominate Avs 7-3, Housing affordability at record low, report says, Skunk found in Grapevine tests positive for rabies. However, there was no indication that the sheriffs office went and asked those landowners if theyd been out there recently, OHanlon said. A North Texas man who had gone missing was found dead and officials believe he was likely killed in a mountain lion attack. All rights reserved, Nov. 22 by a woman and her boyfriend in Rowlett, sighting of a mountain lion near Princeton in Collin County, Bobcat Kitten Recovering From Dart in Eye, Coyote Caught on Camera Stealing Candy While House Cat Watches, Novak Djokovic Denied' US Entry Ahead Of Indian Wells, Joe Biden Asked To Intervene, Check Your Change! The adult male mountain lion was killed legally by a deer hunter, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Theyre designed to take down large game, but their main diet is deer meat.. CELESTE, Texas - A mountain lion killed over the weekend is likely the same one that's been spotted across North Texas. The mountain lion was shot around 8:30 p.m. from 50 yards away with an AR 223 by Aaron Getty, 24, and Tyler Terrell, 21, on a ranch just east of Tuscola. A couple of sightings involved captive mountain lions that escaped . Turner High School, A Carrollton High School Claims Employee Gave Student Prescription Drugs, Texas Bill Would Make Illegal Voting a Felony, City Council To Discuss Allowing Neighborhoods To 'Opt-In' for Short-Term Rentals in Dallas. independent local journalism in Dallas. lease hunter on the ranch in Freer, Texas. The Hood County Sheriff's Office says that they have closed the death investigation of a Lipan man who was attacked by an animal in early December, the office said Tuesday. Weighing in at about one pound at birth, the kittens grow rapidly. A starving cougar mauled one cyclist to death and seriously injured another over the weekend in North Bend, Washington, about 30 miles east of Seattle, while the two mountain bikers . at the shoulder, that's nearly 3 ft. tall! RELATED:Mountain lion caught on camera near Rowlett in rare sighting. This is a cause for concern, and many conflicting factors play a part in the . Authorities identified the man as Christopher Allen Whiteley, 28, and it was determined preliminarily at the Tarrant County Medical Examiner that he died from a wild animal attack. Despite some of the latest stories you may have caught here on OutdoorHub, mountain lion attacks on humans are quite uncommon, but anyone who shoots one while hunting is asked to call the Texas Game Wardens. The mountain lion was killed legally by a deer hunter, Megan Radke, a spokesperson for Texas Parks and Wildlife, told The Dallas Morning News. Mountain Lion - Puma concolor Mountain lions, as they're commonly called in the West, are also known as cougars, pumas, and panthers. Mountain lions, also known as cougars, are found throughout western North America and can weigh up over 200 pounds, with males typically being larger than females. First published on December 5, 2020 / 9:30 PM. In the last 100 years, less than two dozen people have been killed by mountain lions in North America, and no human has ever been killed by a mountain lion in Utah. His body was sent to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner, where it was determined he died from a wild animal attack. They are called catamount in parts of Canada, cougar in much of America, mountain lion out West, panther in Florida and puma in much of South America. If you found the reporting above valuable, please consider making a donation to support it here. Fluffy, blond and mysterious: What is this adorable creature perched in a Texas tree? Investigators found another set of footprints in addition to Whiteleys at the scene, but its unclear whether they are connected to his death. displayed above was hit by a Ford F350 truck on Highway 64 in northern . Christopher Allen Whiteley, 28, was found dead in a . In addition, there was a lot of inconsistency with what you would expect to find in the wounds. (For perspective, around 20 people are killed every year by cows.) With black bears, mountain lions are the largest predators remaining in Texas. Lion kittens begin to eat meat at the age of six weeks. About 3,000 cats are killed each . Mountain lions inhabit the badlands and Missouri River breaks regions of North Dakota. Cody King is a digital journalist for KSAT 12. Height at shoulder: 25-30 in. These felines are quite large. Reports that Whiteley was killed by a mountain lion emerged just days after his death. The sheriff's office is warning residents in and around Lipan to be mindful and to keep children and other animals inside at night. KXII News 12 reports the large cat was approaching the hunter in his deer blind on Saturday when he fatally shot the animal. They have been absent from this state since the late 1800s; however, there have been a few isolated sightings. I have to let God have it. Ste 200-408 I Spring, TX 77386. He spent five years covering TCU athletics, which included two BCS bowls, two trips to the college World Series and the move to the Big 12. 200 Pound Mountain Lion Killed in Texas. Associated Press. According to a story at KHOU.Coma Graford High School student was driving home from basketball practice when he hit the giant cat while it was crossing the road. Its range spans from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes in South America and is the most widespread of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere.It is an adaptable, generalist species, occurring in most American habitat types. The big cat weighed in at 150 pounds and was 68 inches long from nose to buttocks. Click here to read more from our partners at The Dallas Morning News. Weight. The hunter plans to take the mountain lion to a taxidermist. Its really unique up here in north Texas, were just simply not in their range, McGee said. Authorities said they checked a nearby wooded area and found Whiteley dead. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Christopher Whiteley died last December in the woods of Hood County. TAYLOR COUNTY, TEXAS A Taylor County man and his friend were calling for coyotes Friday night when the unthinkable happened - a 150-pound mountain lion appeared in their sights. The adult male mountain lion was killed legally by a deer hunter, according. According to the department, mountain lions can be found in much of Texas and rarely create conflict with people. It is a fierce, agile predator that has adapted well to many different environments. Curiosity has gotten the better of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials after a mountain lion was killed this week on State Highway 337 north of Mineral Wells. Authorities said Christopher Allen Whiteley was last seen early Wednesday. The elusive animal seems to be growing its territory in Texas, state wildlife officials say. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. He was on his way to work on the morning of Dec. 2. The department also said it received the same conclusion from a U.S. Department of Agriculture wildlife services trapper. "The safety of Hood County Citizens are my priority one, but please don't interfere with the process of locating the animal and stay clear of the area being actively worked by officials," Hood County Sheriff Roger Deeds said. December 6, 2020. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. A hunter in Texas shot and killed a mountain lion on a ranch as it approached a feeder, media outlets report. Cougars are carnivores, preying on a variety of animals, including deer, elk, and smaller mammals. Mountain Lion killed supposedly near Brownsville discussion on the TexAgs Outdoors forum. Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. What was the Berachah Industrial Home for the Redemption of Erring Girls in Arlington? A few years back we ran a storyshowing a very large cougar standing over a javelina it killed on reader Ron Wehmeyers ranch in the Trans Pecos. Get the latest Offers, Outdoor News, Stories, and Reviews delivered to your inbox. A mountain lion that was spotted on a trail camera in Rowlett has been killed in Hunt County, officials said. , to the first mountain lion documented to cross from north of the 101 Freeway to the south (P-012), to the . A. Johnson. By SEAN MURPHY He has covered the Texas Rangers since 2014 and started reporting on the Dallas Cowboys in 2016. It kills to eat but does not necessarily practice any sort of conservation ethic. Their range goes from British Columbia, Canada all the way to Texas, including states like Utah, Nevada, California, and others. Adults are a uniform tan or tawny in color, with a white or cream-colored chin, undersides and inner legs. The Hood County Sheriff's Office said authorities found a body in a wooded area near the 15000 block of Howell Road in Lipan, about 65 miles west of Fort Worth, earlier this week after a man was reported missing. The sheriff's office believed the attack was possibly from a mountain lion. In fact, they are the fourth-largest cat species in the world, behind tigers, lions, and jaguars. A mountain lion will usually leave distinctive teeth marks, OHanlon said. The sub-population in Florida is known as the Florida panther . Whiteleys body was found the next day. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Although mountain lions are a rare spectacle in northeast Texas, they're common in parts of the state's southern and western regions, Garcia said in an email. Become a member to support the independent voice of Dallas Klein says the lion weighed more than 200 pounds and has an official Boone & Crockett score of 15 4/16 inches (the world record cat scored 16 4/16 inches). To learn more about hunting non-game species, click here. In the past 100 years, there are fewer than 30 confirmed deaths due to mountain lion attacks nationwide. Its tail alone was 32 inches long. The cougars Latin name is Pumaconcolorwhich helps scientists navigate the many regional names for the animal. This mountain lion was shot, killed near Tuscola Friday, Jan. 24. Christopher Allen Whiteley never learned to drive . AllOutdoor // The TPWD recently said that a man found dead in a wooded area in Lipan did not die from a mountain lion attack, as was first suggested by the Tarrant County Medical Examiners Office, according to information released by the Hood County Sheriffs Office. The couple had set up a trail camera on the edge of their property near Lake Ray Hubbard thatcaught the lion walking byaround 4 a.m. that morning. A Texas medical examiner's office and wildlife officials are at odds over the recent death of a man who may have been killed by a mountain lion. At the time, the office. 3431 Rayford Rd. (281) 869-5511. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. Description of the Mountain Lion. The mountain lion is a large, slender cat, with a long rope-like tail. December 5, 2020 / 9:30 PM He also makes note of the possibility this mountain lion was the same as the one spotted on trail cameras weeks ago in Dallas County. Your gift helps pay for everything you find on and Exclusive coverage of Rivals Camp Series. Black markings decorate the tip of the tail, ears, and around the snout. Rare sighting of mountain lion caught on video in North Texas, Man was not killed by mountain lion in Hood County, Texas Parks and Wildlife says, Fort Worth officer shoots, wounds armed man Saturday, police say, Want a new home in the heart of Fort Worth? There are rarely confirmed sightings of mountain lions in north Texas but the state's parks and wildlife department on Tuesday said its biologists had verified a sighting on private property. Mountain lion attacks and encounters are becoming more common. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department said Tuesday that the mountain lion an adult male that weighed about 160 pounds was legally killed Saturday by a deer . Keenan Crow is an outdoor writer who graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in journalism and creative writing. there are no black panthers in Texas; no one has ever captured or killed a black mountain lion. The deer hunter killed the animal and legally harvested it. This is the way I look at it, Spruill said. The shooting happened outdoors near a child care center in far north Fort Worth. Mountain lions once ranged more extensively than any other mammal in the Western Hemisphere. According to the Mountain Lion Foundation, the mountain lion Puma concolor or Felis concolor is known as a cougar or panther, depending on the region. The sheriff's. Christopher Whiteley, 28, was last seen on Wednesday and was. Please subscribe to view. Mountain lions are considered a non-game species in Texas, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife. MINERAL WELLS, TexasThe Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will be taking a closer look at a mountain lion killed this week on State Highway 337, just north of Mineral Wells. Stay up to date with the latest hunting, fishing, and outdoor news from the Lone Star State and beyond! These Valuable Pennies Are Worth Thousands, Counseling Services Offered After Three Children Killed, Two Hurt In Ellis County, Frisco to Open New State-of-the-Art Public Library This Saturday. HOOD COUNTY, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A 28-year-old man who was reported missing in a rural area of North Texas was found dead from a possible mountain lion attack earlier this week, authorities said. Youll likely have to tear one down first, Man arrested in fatal Dallas stabbing, police say. Ste 200-408 I Spring, TX 77386 (281) 869-5511, Texas Fish & Game Publishing But the report also notes that 12 cougar . For reference, Klein stands 6 feet tall and weighs 260 pounds. Three mountain lions killed after they ate human remains near a popular hiking trail in Arizona. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. (Credit: Tyler Terrell). The owners of property along Old Mill Road, about a half-mile north of FM 1564, found one of their horses had been mauled by a mountain lion September 30. By Michael MarksAugust 30, 20212:12 pmAgriculture & Animals, Crime & Justice. Officials say the hunter saw the mountain lion when it walked up to a deer feeder. Ste 200-408 I Spring, TX 77386 You can see in that photo below this particular cat has not missed too many meals. The Hood County Sheriffs Office hasnt closed the case for good, but its not actively investigating it either. North Texas hospitals recognized in annual best hospital list, Man trimming trees in Southlake dies after accidentally touching power line, police say, In Texas jails, deaths from failure to give proper medication are shrouded in secrecy. After eight weeks of nursing, the kittens will weigh about 30 pounds. Theres a large mountain lion roaming around Dallas County, officials confirm. One thing we ask people to do if they harvest something like this is hey give us a call, McGee said. First published on December 6, 2020 / 4:02 PM. North Texas has come down with big cat fever once more, and this time, mercifully, Joe Exotic isn't involved. Wes Monk bagged this 110-pound male mountain lion in the Chalk Mountain area of Texas on private property while whitetail deer hunting on December 6, 2014. A hunter in Texas had an unusual encounter in the woods on Saturday, when a mountain lion suddenly appeared and approached the blind he was deer hunting from. The hunter, Douglas W. Ramer, 62, of Bastrop, Louisiana, told wildlife . December 6, 2020 / 4:02 PM If you need help with the Public File, call 210-351-1241. TheFirearmBlog // With their tails, some individuals can be as much as 9 ft. long. Description Body length: 3-4 ft. Tail: 2.5-3 ft. Last year, a hunter killed a 200-pound mountain lion in Palo Pinto County, just about 65 miles west of Fort Worth, the Forth Worth Star-Telegram reported. Hunters and trappers may voluntarily submit harvest reports when they kill a mountain lion, but most do not, making historic data on the numbers of lions killed by hunting and trapping in Texas a guessing game. His mother, Kimberly Spruill, told OHanlon that its been hard to find peace since her son died. Some might think seeing a mountain lion is a common occurrence in Texas, but its not. Confirmed sightings are usually in far West Texas and in southwestern parts of the state near the Mexican border.
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