i started smoking and love it

I do meet with a younger co worker What were the biggest changes as you became a full time smoker, and began smoking in public? I also feel warm and it's kind of veyeuristically pleasurable to be watched smoking and watching others smoke. I started to enjoy it and it started getting cravings so I got Juul. She ate up the attention and I saw the window open, telling her she should get them longer and either the same polish or, yes, red, and that I'd even pay for them. This became a revelation of who I have become, the kind of wife and mother I have been. my daughter started smoking. Anyway i couldn't get used to them and was going to throw them away when my wife said she would try one. If you are in need of help please contact people who care and please remember suicide is never the answer. I don't smoke. How many cigarettes do you chain in the morning, after not having smoked for 6-8 hours? I am always running to the store for everyone foranyreason, in order to sneak to the gas station and buy cigarettes, and then smoke in peace for a few minutes. Anyone feel the same? 69625 views | She left for work and I smoked the whole thing I knew I was hooked. the fact that he literally got canceled for smoking a blunt is insane . Electric smoke pots are actually offered at small cost. I don't want our son to smoke. Is it true that smokers cannot concentrate if they do not have enough nicotine? See how sexy you look smoking! I told her that I she really enjoyed she should do it. I have started smoking about seven times. About 4 months in we were talking and I mentioned that I had some bad habits and he said "I'd love if you pick up one more" That's when he admitted he had a smoking fetish. If that isn't nicotine addiction, I don't know what is. Youre basically living a secret life and you probably go to ridiculous extents to hide it. Meanwhile, my husband knows nothing about my smoking, much less me quitting it. -- and I just wanted one. I have always been fascinated by nature. I thought smoking away from my hubby was a sacrifice I was making (see how nice I am? And nothing better than a smoking b******* when she smokes a 120. 114 comments. Give her 20 minutes and it wears off, she becomes completely broken anxious nervous and irritable where the only thing to fix her is to once again pop a ciggie poo in her face latch on suck like a vacum then blow smoke like the wind cause her cigarettes are her best friend. I get a ton of dirty looks, which is ironically fun when he crosses the line to kiss me.. Not to mention that the price of cigs in most places has gotten so steep that the impact on your household budget is only slightly less than a minor heroin habit. It involves the use of FDA-approved prescription drugs that help interfere with the brain's nicotine receptors. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. I've been working a lot, got a biker bf (who supports my smoking), traveling, and I continue to smoke of course. But I love it! 0 I began when I was 13 and smoke a pack and a half a day of Benson and Hedges. Since I rarely drank, this was a perfect plan. How do you prepare? I'm 24. Gf had no problem doing it for me. It was better to never let the subject come up at all. I quit smoking on June 12. (I've been smoking secretly for a while so want to know what's in store if I commit fully). I have faked headaches so I could stay home from outings that would hinder my ability to smoke at least every hour. It becomes so ingrained in the lives of those who smoke, that people come to believe they can't live without it. We flirt a lot and she does know I love long, done nails, and while sharing our last beer one night, I kept touching her nails to make the color change. After we got married, I thought it would be nice if he could share smokes with me, so I started coaxing him to try it. She was so addicted that she ducked outside to smoke throughout the day, even during Wisconsin's bitter cold winters. I wouldn't like to quit, I think I would feel like I had lost something very dear to me. as I am over 60 My husband cooled and now he loves watching me smoke. But I kept reading about it, and thinking. We've know each other for quite a while but only just started dating about 6 months ago. I'm loving every second of it, I can see myself slowly becoming a full time smoker. . And yes--we do enjoy many smokes together! I smoke when I'm bored. "When I could be outside more, I started back up . Especially when you have to have one within 10 minutes of waking Forget having toned abs, you won't be able to exercise. Do you need to smoke more whenever you are working? And as my husband slowly starts to smoke more and more, he doesn't seem to worry about quitting either. It is incredibly hot and sexy for me How to Beat Addictive Thought Patterns During Nicotine Withdrawal, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, fiery determination and indefinite patience, Dynamics of smoking cessation and health-related quality of life among Canadians. I just drew the smoke into my mouth; I didn't inhale. Do you feel like you have lost part of your innocence since you started smoking? I needed to understand. ha ha), but now I see it for what it really was - a way to prevent him from having an opinion about it. If you don't, I don't blame you! There is a common misconception that only men smoke while women do not. But wont. I would deliberately get up before him in the morning and go to bed after him in the evening just so I could smoke. I remember at their house one day and she had her first carton of full flavor 100s hooked smoking lots of cigarettes not thinking about the health hazards cause she loves that cigarette way too much. Memories with cigs run deep in my family. I've thought how could anyone love smoking cigarettes (Marlboro full flavor 100s) more than me. Hi I have stopped smoking 100 days ago and I have to say I regret it, I love smoking, but lets start at the beginning how I became a smoker.I started relativly late 8 years ago when I was 30. The next morning before going to the airport and after breakfast i asked her if she would like one more before we departed.to my glee she said yes but that would be that, no more after. Current Year 11 Official Thread (2022-2023)! About 6 months later we had a fight and she told me she really just wanted to smoke. Stop Smoking. I just have to eat her like an animal I get so turned on. What changes about your daily living? I would like to say that their home is why I started smoking, although it is not. The duty free cigarettes were gone in less than 2 weeks, so we set a date, the end of the month, which was 3 weeks away that that was when we would both quit. My mom smoked Salem slims 100 at the time . . I smoked my second cigarette on a dour July afternoon when I was 15. Every time I smoked, I would feel enormous guilt. Im a radical vegan and Ive started eating bugs in order to protect the environment (theyre full of protein). Our experts opt for the most effective item. Big wow from me. Needless to say, they moved in together and are both smoking 5 years later. Or was it gradually getting addicted that pulled you into the deep? And I did it with gusto. He bought me a pack of Marlboros the next day, and that night we tried it. New Research Takes a Closer Look, If My Parents Stayed in Hong Kong, I May Not Be Alive Today. I smoke to celebrate. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. Karen's story will resonate with anyone who has struggled to hide their smoking. We did this a couple of times and enjoyed it. In fact, help him to INCREASE his intake! This site inspired me. I realize now that my reasons for smoking at that age have twisted themselves into reasons why I was still smoking 16 years later. I love being a smoker. I never saw it the way I just described it until the last few weeks. They thought I wanted Alone Time, but what I really wanted was to be alone with my cigarette. local policies and laws. She says "What's one more bad habit ? In the meantime, you and everything you own smell like the bottom of an ashtray, no matter how many breath mints you gobble. ", takes big drink and hits the cigarette pretty hard and says, "I'm fine with this", I hate it when people say that someone who smokes smells like an ashtray. I started at 37. My husband and I decided over a month ago that he would leave for a few weeks to start building our dream home out of state, near his parents (who smoke). My mom smoked Salem slim 100 at the time I finally decided i wanted to try one . I could see her from where I was working, she stood out in the cold before going into the office puffing away on a Marlboro Red full flavor cork filter 100 cigarette. Life has been a bit crazy. That is what I have and that is what keeps me going.Thanks for letting me share my terrible secrets with you. She'd quit just like that and had been for nearly 2 years much to my shagrine. I felt naughty and sexy, and he kept telling me how sexy I looked. But making my boyfriend eat me for long periods of time was pretty buzzy itself, and the smoking was fun in its own right. I liked it when she inhaled deep the smoke of her cigaret. At the age of 11, you never think you're going to end up addicted, or how smoking is going to damage your life. I think I was just curious. How did you go from just enjoying your first inhales and dizzy sensation to craving it and needing a smoke every hour? I love kissing her when she's just had a cigarette and she's got a lovely fresh smokey mouth. Currently living on my own in a hotel for work. I decided to look my addiction in the face and say NO MORE! If I think about that too much, I have to smoke more to calm down. How is it like to get your nicotine fix while being given the utmost pleasure by your boyfrfiend? My story is the same. There is nothing better than starting your day chaining a few cigarettes.. She light up and says "Do you like it ?". I am now 31. She often wears high heels and short skirts whith a beautifull body. Uh, yea.. . At one point, everyone in the house smoked. Such good news. After we'd been together about 8 months and, at times, he had tried to persuade me to try a cigarette, i'd got to the point where i was becoming quite irritable about him smoking. He was so sweet and never tried to change or judge me like my ex did. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/aovf3q/i_m24_started_smoking_with_girlfriendf25/, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/health-46697036/smoking-v-vaping-watch-lab-test-results, https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/DMm7LqVTTBnT4Cqu8xvoRP4ZXQs=/0x0:3000x2250/1200x800/filters:focal(0x0:3000x2250)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46075516/GettyImages-175127145.0.jpg, University of East Anglia (UEA) A104 - Medicine with Gateway Year - 2023 Entry, JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy'. But after my cigarette was stubbed out, I would want to be with them again. I thought it made me look grown-up, but I was shy so I'd do it on my own. I love and support her so leaving her was not a thought until a few days ago when she started smoking cigarettes in our bathroom, she told me she can't sh*t now unless she is smoking, my house stinks, my clothes stink, quite frankly my f*cking children smell like cigarettes after she touches them. I sat in on a Maggie Dent conference once - Maggie is a child developmental lord who basically teaches you how to understand your children's brains in a way that gives you so much more compassion for their behaviour. I wasn't alone, and as the youngest of five, all of my brothers and sisters picked it up. Then he said "I hope you didn't start smoking" I said "would it bother you?" (Might have been 6.) I guess I should have quit then. A. Sometimes I like to watch myself smoke in the mirror. It's a FIVE year old post you dick head. And she lit up a cigarette for us to share. Utterly selfish and devoted to my addiction. I tried B&H before but looking at the all white cigarette just didn't work for me. By then, I really enjoyed the deep inhales, pulling the smoke down into my lungs. It always is. So someone offered me a cigarette saying it might help it go along. It is only right that I help feed her fetishes tpo He's gained weight and doesn't cycle much these days either. Do you think you really just wanted to smoke after wrapping your head around the concept? I only mentioned it one night at a bar we were sitting at, and within 3 days, she had hot, sexy, almost 3", dark burgundy nails for me. It was never about peer pressure for me, from a young age I was curious about smoking and thought people who smoked were obtaining a sensual pleasure that was alluring to me. He admitted right away that loved that I was younger and didn't mind that I was a little out of shape. Thanks for being there and letting me reach out.~Kay~. Her long strong cigarettes are everything she wants and needs, she takes huge drags blows a lot of smoke and can often be seen with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. If you want to email me a good address to use is paul.horgan@ymail.com - all my love P. Full flavor cork filter 100s Marlboro or Winston. Plus, I figured, I might lose some weight. In a short time she was smoking a pack a day then a pack and a half and in 2 years time she got up to smoking up to two packs of Marlboro Red full flavor 100s a day. All rights reserved. Desperately hoping my son wouldn't blurt out his knowledge of my smoking. Do not try to inhale. I was around 15 I smoked the ones I took from my mom for about year then one day to my surprise I noticed my mom was smoking Virginia slims menthol 120s .I couldn't wait to get one .my mom worked nights so while she was getting ready for work I took one and I was so excited about it I couldn't wait. I am still glad I started.. I really like my sense of identity as a smoker and the way I look with a burning cigarette between my lips. I'm loving every second of it, I can see myself slowly becoming a full time smoker. I was 14 at the time I lit it up and took my first drag and I coughed at first but I kept going and by the time I finished it I loved it . So I took one out and started smoking it and from that day on I have smoked them . My name is Karen, but my friends call me Kay. What the fuck is wrong with you stupid cunts that bring these old post back to life again?. She will give me a blow job blowing smoke, Unlike the first kind of love, the second is resolved and thoughtful. I read that this, Here in my area we have two casinos where I can smoke indoors. I entered "smoking is great. Do you feel like you are some mature, classy, sexy lady whenever you smoke? I started smoking cannabis to . My girlfriend is 36, I am 55. I haven't stopped crying since walking out on him and keep feeling like I have made a big mistake, but my opinion will not change, I do not want him to smoke. About a month later she texted me and said she was going to buy a pack. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I started coming over with clothes smelling like smoke. Suddenly, it became clear to me and I made the biggest decision in my life. He's smart, thoughtful, kind, and sexy - I love him. I just love how cool it is to be able to smoke indoors in a public place, it's so rare! She tried a cigarette in high school but didn't like it. Then, 9 months ago, he told me he had a smoking fetish. Starting from studying physical education and sports in high school, to learning about the human mind in orthopedagogy in college. I had this fetish before I was with my bf and was very nervous to tell him. Do other men notice you more easily whenever you light up? I would sneak outside in blistering heat and torrential rains, more times than I could possibly count, in order to cater to my addiction. I recently married the most amazing man in the whole world, "Jeremy." We connect, communicate, understand and love everything about each other. I got curious, I bummed a cigarette at work a few times. My mom smoked and for as long as I can remember I was fascinated with smoking. I would rub them on my fingers and chew on one. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Then, when the coast was clear, I'd come into the house and make a beeline for the bathroom for a frantic session of tooth brushing, mouthwash, and hand/face scrubbing. For those of you who follow this blog, I'm sorry I haven't been updating it. I started smoking at 15, sneaking cigarettes from them when they weren't looking. I am just beginning to realize what life with me must have been like for my family --constantly distracted, spending most of my time scurrying around, making sure they are settled, catering to their every whim because if they are involved in something else, I could go outside, thinking thatsurely they wouldn't look for me if their every need was met? I am now 31. I'm too in love with cigarettes to quit. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. At the end of that second year we were going on holiday so we stayed the night before our flight in a hotel close to the airport and, i can't remember why, i'd bought some cigarellos. it all started off as a joke with a few friends at a party until we all decided we actually wanted to try it - before this i had only ever vaped with no nicotine. It stinks, but it makes her happy and she's lost weight from it so I'm ok with it. In college I loved smoking, never felt like I was addicted but just really enjoyed it and could drop it whenever I wanted. Covid does not exist, it's just the flu being called by a different name. And they weren't there. I love chain smoking up to 6 cigarettes an hour. After work she drives away with a cigarette in her mouth glad to finally be able to smoke as much as she wants. Did smoking awaken a desire to be more fashionable and beautiful in you? It has, since then, become more frequent during the day and, now, I have much more phlegm (I've been smoking for over 20 years now). He doesn't know I looked through the windows of my house to see where he was before going in. The best one was the last. She is totally into it on her own That is when my life changed for ever . She was having terrible luck with dating in her own age group and during Covid just gave up and said "Fuck everything" She started drinking and got chubby, soft and out of shape. Her little sister was my age and became a smoker herself, and she walked to school in 8th grade every day smoking her cigarette, of and their mother smoked long white cigarettes too. I started smoking when I was 18, stealing cigarettes from my dad pastel Sobraines that he always conveniently left on the hallway to smoke them in the fields with the guy I had a crush on. I met a guy last year (we're not together anymore) we fell in love and he tried very hard to make me stop smoking. But there is truth. It was super awkward, but he told me all the details of it, then apologized and said "don't smoke" He never brought it up again, but I started to notice things he did (and checked his browser history). . I was obnoxiously crabby if he got up in the morning before I could sneak a cigarette and shower before he woke up. Outside of our adventures ahe rarely smokes It is as if my entire life was deliberately built around cigarettes. It was from that point that I took the view that I could not standsmoking. But then, you start to feel increasingly like crap as the years progress. at the local hotel a few towns over about once or Not very feminine, right? I reflected on the insanity that has become my daily life. @youlovemil. her kink is she likes to be chained,, spanked etc You now smell like shit and have the habit of a crack whore. about smoking. She allowed me to smoke openly since that day . Now we both love It. After we got married, I thought it would be nice if he could share smokes with me, so I started coaxing him to try it. Even after nearly 40 years as a pack a day smoker, it still tastes and feels so great. Got stared at by older Chinese couple on the train .. Im female, black, 20 and I got refused from entering an Ensign bus. Could you describe us the first time you felt like you "needed" a cigarette? Your face will age more quickly. With love. I decided to introduce myself to your quit smoking supportgroup while I'm still foggy, so I don't talk myself out of being brutally honest with you. But the point is, I did. I tried several different cigarettes, and the ones I liked the best were Camels. I was so blind to my manipulations and scheming. Wife thinks Im in bed sleeping and believes I gave up smoking years ago. He smokes socially/occasionally but was supportive at first and has become obsessed with my smoking too. Pose and puff without inhaling for your first cigarette, in front of a mirror, as you get used to it. The second kind of love is the patience of a loving parent in the midst of temper tantrum thrown by a sleepy, tempestuous child. "It's bad enough that I started smoking again during a pandemic. When I cough we smile and hug. That was the first time I smoked a cigarette. Do you sometimes miss the days when you did not need to "start your day chaining a few cigarettes"? I live in a self-imposed prison. I don't either, really, but still get guilt feelings (a little) when I think that I was responsible for maybe giving him lung cancer in the distant future. That weekend, boom. About 15 months ago, I started seeing a new guy. When I see meat eaters in public, I get upset and have to smoke weed to calm down. I thought I really lucked out. He said he would stop smoking at weekends, anyway the first weekend he was supposed to have quit, he gave in and had a cigarette, I flipped out and said if you can't even manage one night (the first night as well) what chance have you got of staying smoke free for the weekends to come?! Then, 9 months ago, he told me he had a smoking fetish. I smoke about a pack a day now. And it was just getting worse and worse. I also have erotic feelings when I fill my lungs with the smoke of a cigaret or if I see another woman doing it.

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