j2 haplogroup famous

He is the nephew of screenwriter, film director and producer Francis Ford Coppola, who shares the same haplogroup. [39], Edward IV of England and his brother Richard III of England, both sons of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York, would have shared the same mtDNA haplogroup J1c2c. At the start of the Civil War, he joined the Union Army as an officer. tzi the Iceman, Europe's oldest natural human mummy, dating from 5,300 years ago, had his full genome sequenced (the oldest European genome ever tested) and was found to belong to haplogroup G2a-L91 (G2a2a2, formerly known as G2a4). (2003), Genghis Khan, founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, and his patrilineal descendants are believed to have belonged to Haplogroup C3 (M217). Scottish actor Ewan McGregor (b. 1961) belongs to haplogroup R1b-U106 > Z2265 > Z18 > Z372 > ZP91 > ZP158 > ZP161 > ZP262 according to the Harrelson DNA Project (descendant of Paul Harrelson from Denmark). He belongs to the subclade J2a1-L556/L560. 1958) is a descendant of John Baldwin (1635-1683) of Stonington, Connecticut, which places him in the R1b-U106 cluster in the Baldwin Surname DNA Project. American statesman and lawyer and Founding Father Roger Sherman (1721-1793) probably belonged to R1b-L21 > DF13 > FGC5494 based on the results from the Sherman DNA Project. Noah was the great-great-great-grand-son of John Webster (1590-1661), 5th Governor of the Connecticut Colony, whose other patrilineal descendants include industrialist Towner K. Webster, Chicago architect Maurice H. Webster, impressionist painter Stokely Webster, author Henry Kitchell Webster, and professor James G. Webster. Mike Nichols (1931-2014) was a German-born American television, stage and film director, writer, producer and comedian. [3][4][bettersourceneeded], Louis XVII was the younger son of King of France Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Both men were found to belong to haplogroup I1, though apparently not to closely related subclades. Clan Graham is a Scottish clan of probable Anglo-Norman origin that settled in Scotland in the 12th century. The Adams Surname Y-DNA Project compared the Y-DNA of 15 families that have an oral history of being related to the US Presidents John Adams (second president of the United States) and his son John Quincy Adams (6th president). Bronze started being used by the Harappan Civilization circa 3000 BCE, a few centuries after its earliest known regular use around the Caucasus by the Maykop culture (from 3700 BCE) and the KuraAraxes culture (from 3500 BCE). The Chechen people are mainly . 1947) was shown to belong to haplogroup I2-L38 on the PBS TV series Finding Your Roots. Mulders contradicted interpretations of his research by some media outlets, which claimed that Hitler definitely had Jewish ancestry. From then on, J2 men would have definitely have represented a sizeable portion of the population of Bronze and Iron Age civilizations such as the Hurrians, the Assyrians or the Hittites. (2016) at Harvard Medical School and found to belong to haplogroup R1b-P312 > DF19 > DF88 > FGC11833 > S4281 > S4268 > Z17112 > S17075 > S10067. (2012) recovered the DNA of Napoleon Bonaparte from beard hair follicules and compared his Y-DNA to that of one of his present-day descendants, Charles Napolon. A cadet branch of the Huntly became Earls of Aberdeen (1682), then Marquesses of Aberdeen and Temair from 1916. They descend from Reynold Bush (1600-1686) who emigrated from England (Fering Parish, Essex) to the Massachusetts colony about 1640. [17], In December 2012, a genetic study conducted by the same researchers who decoded King Tutankhamun's DNA predicted using an STR-predictor that Ramesses III, second pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt and considered to be the last great New Kingdom regent to wield any substantial authority over Egypt, belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E-M2, alternatively known as haplogroup E1b1a. His sons Valdemar and Magnus suceeded each others as kings of Sweden, and their descendants for one hundred years. He was Commanding General of the Union Army for 5 months. The results need to be corroborated by other descendant testing. Discussion and support of Y-DNA J2-M172 Haplogroup Research:. It was not discussed in a 2010 academic study that included DNA profiling of some of the male mummies of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, and was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The origins of the clan are unclear, but one hypothesis is that Donal Dubh, the first chief of Clan Cameron was descended either from the Macgillonies. A study conducted at Trinity College, Dublin,[62] found that a striking percentage of men in Ireland (and quite a few in Scotland) share the same Y chromosome. [2], Luke the Evangelist is a Christian saint and apostle born on 1st century A.D. in Roman Syria and died in Roman Greece. Highland Scottish Clan Murray and Clan Sutherland both descend from a Flemish nobleman by the name of Freskin, who settled in Scotland during the reign of King David I and was granted lands in West Lothian and the ancient Pictish kingdom of Moray (which would become known as Sutherland). One of his cousins was George Clinton (1739-1812), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, who served as 1st Governor of New York and 4th Vice President of the United States. Niall belongs to Haplogroup R1b1c7 (M222). Cousins of Horthy posted their Y-DNA results at MolGen, and all belonged to I2a-Din-N (or I2a1b3a in current ISOGG nomenclature). He descended from Richard Harding (1583-1657) from Denbury, Devon, England and his son Stephen (1623-1698) who migrated to Braintree, Massachussets and died in Rhode Island. Remains reputed to have been his had haplogroup H2 (mtDNA). Yo-Yo Ma (b. The timing, location and admixtures of these samples fit with the Illyrian colonisation of the Dinaric Alps, which is thought to have taken place between 1600 and 1100 BCE. This is the other major subgroup of the J haplogroup and it has followed much the same migratory path as J1. (2009) tested the DNA of the presumed grave of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and all his five children, and compared them against archival blood specimens from Nicholas II as well as against samples from descendants of both paternal and maternal lineages. The Polish princely House of Lubomirski appears to belong to haplogroup J2b2a-L283 > Z585 > Z628 > Y15058 (aka CTS3617) according to the testing of a member of the family (reportedly Ladislas Jean Lubomirski, father of the photographer Alexi Lubomirski) at Family Tree DNA. Haplogroup J (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup J (previously known as HG9 or Eu9/Eu10) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Noble burials of Mongols in the Yuan dynasty in Shuzhuanglou Site (northernmost Hebei, China, 700YBP) were excavated. Bernadotte was a native of Pau in Gascony, where this haplogroup is indeed common today. [11] Their common maternal ancestor, Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, and her mother, Queen Victoria, must therefore have shared this haplotype. The pharaohs are buried in the Valley of the Kings. J2-M172 All Subgroups. In human genetics, Haplogroup J2 (M172) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subdivision of haplogroup J. Haplogroup J2 is widely believed to be associated with the spread of agriculture from the northern Fertile Crescent, the Levant, and Anatolia [1],[2]. The specific mutation that formed the J2 haplogroup is known as J2-M172 and today has a differing geographical concentration to the J1 haplogroup. Both of these studies had identified the remains as belonging to haplogroup G2a. Both have been the subject of works by Walter Scott. Members of the House of Wettin include the Kings Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI of the United Kingdom, all the Kings of the Belgians, the Kings of Portugal from 1853 to 1910, the Kings of Bulgaria from 1887 to 1946, several Kings of Poland and Grand Dukes of Lithuania, the Margraves of Meissen from 1075 to 1423, the Electors of Saxony from 1423 to 1806, the Kings of Saxony from 1806 to 1918, and the rulers of the numerous smaller Saxon duchies. J2 is localized around the Mediterranean, Greece, Italy / Sardinia and Spain. Birger Jarl, the founder of Stockholm, the modern capital of Sweden, belonged to Y Haplogroup I-M253, according to Andreas Carlsson at the National Board of Forensic Medicine of Sweden. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), a polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, whose head has featured on the $100 bills since 1914, is a probable member of haplogroup R1b-U106 > Z18 > DF95 according to the testing of relatives. John Stamos (b. Haplogroup J1 subgroup, and J1-M267, J-P58. He is a descendant of John Perry (1604-1674) and his father John Perry (1588-1621) from Hampshire, England. He married Anne Scott, 1st Duchess of Buccleuch and daughter of the 2nd Earl of Buccleuch. The Kinney & Variations Y-DNA Project showed that the I2a2a Kenny fall under the branch Y4450 > L1229 > Y4332. The Lubomirski trace back their roots to 10th century Poland. 1987) belongs to I2-PH908 (downstream of L147.2 and S17250). Yet, at present, J2b has never been found in Neolithic, Chalcolithic, nor even Bronze Age Europe, nor in the Fertile Crescent during the Neolithic or Chalcolithic. Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), the 29th president of the United States, belonged to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > DF49 > DF23 > ZP75 based on the results from the Harden/Harding DNA Project. Because mtDNA breaks down more slowly than nuclear DNA, it is often possible to obtain mtDNA results where other testing fails. They were elevated to the rank of count in 1595, then prince of the Holy Roman Empire in 1647. 1 @ DYS 385b-385a 1 @ DYS 393 Clan Gordon is a Scottish clan originating in the 12th century in the Scottish Borders region. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Other J2b lineages could have ended up in the Balkans during a number of Steppe invasions from the Bronze Age until the Middle Ages. The following year was declared Regent and Head of State. The most prominent member is probably John C. Calhoun (17821850), who was the seventh Vice President of the United States. . The lineage of the clan chiefs of Highland Scottish Clan MacLaren belong to to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > L1335 > L1065 > S744 > S764 > Y16252 > BY23333 according to the Clan MacLaren DNA Project. The oldest samples recovered so far were from Early Bronze Age Jordan (c. 2400 BCE, Lazaridis et al. The English musician, singer-songwriter, and actor Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, known professionally by his stage name Sting (b. The first appearance of J2 during the Neolithic came in the form of a 10,000 year-old J2b sample from Tepe Abdul Hosein in north-western Iran in what was then the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Broushaki et al. John Witherspoon (1723-1794) was one of the Founding Father of the United States and the president of Princeton University from 1768 to 1794. He is assumed to be a member of haplogroup J1 according to a discussion on the Poreklo Forum. This, in order to convey that he was not exactly what during the Third Reich would have been called 'Aryan.' Professor Michael Hammer of Family Tree DNA said that "scientific studies as well as records from our own database[,] make it clear that one cannot reach the kind of conclusion featured in the published articles." He also served as first governor of South Carolina after the Declaration of Independence, while he brother was the 10th governor. All kings of France being descended in patrilineal line from Robert the Strong (820-866), unless a non-paternity event happened some time before Louis XIII, it can be assumed that all kings of France belonged to the same R1b-Z381 lineage. Sanders is the longest serving independent in U.S. congressional history. The I2b-L415 & I2c-L596 Haplogroup Project was able to determine that the haplotype of the Georgian house of Tsitsishvili was I2c2b2. According to the O'Brien DNA Project, most O'Brien members fall within the Dl gCais group belonging to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z253 > Z2534 > L226, with a most recent common ancestor living about 1500 years ago. [21][22][23][24] They share mtDNA haplogroup J1c2c. 2004). The most prominent members were King Robert II of Scotland, Kings James I, Charles I, Charles II and James II of England & Ireland. A history of the lineage of Irish kings that was compiled by Irish monks, known as "the Annals of the Four Masters" lists "Conn of the Hundred Battles" among the ancestors of Niall. His father was of Romanian Jewish ancestry. The Hamilton DNA Project compared the Y-DNA of four descendants of Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), one of the a Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Faulkner is one of the most celebrated writers in American literature generally and Southern literature specifically. The clan chief has held the title of Earl of Home since 1605. 1939) desends from an illegitimate branch of King Robert III of Scotland, the Stewarts of Blackhall & Ardgowan. The Ottoman Sultans certainly did command a pretty large and powerful Empire. A six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner, he is known for his popular hit songs and compositions from the late 1950s through the 1980s. All the great seafaring civilisations from the middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age were dominated by J2 men. Lazaridis et al. Ancient Remains, List of haplogroups of famous Japanese people, "Famous peoples Y DNA and mt DNA haplotypes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_haplogroups_of_historic_people&oldid=1138776630, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 15:07. This needs to be confirmed by further descendant testing. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908), the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, could have belonged to R1b-L20, a subclade of L2, based on the numerous results from the Cleveland DNA Project. Polish politician Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, who served as the minister of interior from 2013-2014, was tested in GENOgraphic project (as mentioned in Newsweek Poland) and was found to belong to haplogroup N1c. All three men excavated belong to Y haplogroup Q, with subclade not analysed. According to the descendant testing listed at the Russian Nobility DNA Project at FTDNA, the branch of the Rurik dynasty descended from Vladimir II Monomakh (Monomakhoviches) belong to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, and includes Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) and Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584). Our paternal ancestors will also have the same signature. Their son was Alexander Gordon, 1st Earl of Huntly (d. 1470), whose patrilineal line was therefore Seton/Seaton and not the original Gordon lineage, was the progenitor of all the subsequent chiefs of clan. The Dalcassians are a Gaelic Irish tribe who became powerful during the 10th and 11th centuries, when Brian Boru (941-1014) became High King of Ireland. [59], Tested relatives of Protestant reformer Martin Luther belonged to Haplogroup I2a-Din-N (L147.2+). The Mackenzie have possessed the titles of Earl of Seaforth from 1623 to 1781, and of Earl of Cromartie (1703-1746 and 1861 to present). He hqs been speculqted thqt the prisoner was an imposter and not Rudolf Hess. The family belongs to the Dhawu Awn, one of the branches of the Hasanid Sharifs of Mecca also referred to as Hashemites who ruled Mecca continuously from the 10th century until its conquest by the House of Saud in 1924. He was the founder of Stockholm, and acted as regent of Sweden for 18 years. In 2005 a study by Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes of Oxford University led to the conclusion that Somerled has possibly 500,000 living descendants. Matt Lauer (b. 1928) is an American singersongwriter, composer, record producer and pianist. [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. The test result supports genealogical information recorded in about 1610 by Johannes Bureus. So, it may be that the haplogroup previously attributed to Niall is actually attributable to Conn of the Hundred Battles. K. Drosou et al. Another conceivable possibility is that a minority of J2b2-L283 accompanied R1b-M269 from the Caucasus region and migrated to the Volga-Ural region in the early Bronze Age, propagating with them the Proto-Indo-European language and bronze technology to the Caspian steppe before the expansion of this new culture to Central and South Asia. Sheikh Mohammed has overseen the development of numerous projects in Dubai including the creation of a technology park and a free economic zone, Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City, the Dubai International Finance Centre, the Palm Islands and the Burj Al Arab hotel. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century, probably belonged to haplogroup I2a2a-L801 > S2364 > Z78 > L1198 > Z190 > BY27818 based on the results of distant relatives from the Emerson/Amerson DNA Project. He was the son of George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, who was Secretary of State under King James I, and the brother of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, after whom the city of Baltimore was named, and of Leonard Calvert, 1st Proprietary-Governor of Maryland. The most likely hypothesis is that J2b2a1 (L283) penetrated into the Pontic Steppe region during the Neolithic or Chalcolithic period, by crossing the Caucasus from western Iran, then migrated to the Volga-Ural region, where it was absorbed by the R1a-Z93 tribes in the Early Bronze Age. Clan Cochrane is a Lowlands Scottish clan descending from a Viking who settled in what is now Renfrewshire. Present in the vast area from . Their eponymous ancestor is Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. An offshoot of Geminids is the Jagiellonian dynasty who ruled as the Kings of Poland and Grand Dukes of Lithuania from 1386 to 1572, and also include two Kings of Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia between 1471 and 1526. The Taira clan descends from four 9th-century emperors (Kanmu, Ninmy, Montoku and Kk) and were the ancestors of several daimyo families such as the Ashina, Chiba, Hj (shguns), Kobayakawa, Miura, Sma, and Oda (whose most famous member was Oda Nobunaga). A second expansion would have occured with the advent of metallurgy. 1956), an American professional basketball executive, former coach and former player for the Boston Celtics, is thought to belong to haplogroup G-Z6748 (downstream of Z1816 and Y8903) based on the testing of several relatives descending from Thomas Bird at the Haplogroup G-L497 Y-DNA Project. American inventor and painter Samuel Morse (1791-1872) presumably belonged to haplogroup I1-L22 based on results from the Morse/Moss DNA Project (Family 1, descendant of Anthony Morse, 1606-1686, from Wiltshire, England). The project proved conclusively that all Hamilton branches descending from Sir James Hamilton, 5th Laird of Cadzow, progenitor of both aforementioned branches, belong to I1-Z63 > BY151 > FGC81364 > S2078 > S2077 > Y2245 > L1237 > Y6634 > FGC9549 > Y6615, with a most recent common ancestor living about 750 years ago. The statesman, political philosopher, and Founding Father Samuel Adams (1722-1803) also shares the same paternal lineage. Braxton Bragg (1817-1876) was an American army officer during the Second Seminole War and MexicanAmerican War and later a Confederate army officer who served as a general in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The Lubomirski trace back their roots to 10th century Poland. From 1716 to 1800, a Jacobite branch also held the title of Duke of Perth. The ancestral lineage of Lowland Scottish Clan Armstrong appears to be R1b-P312 > FGC84729 > ZZ37 > ZZ38 > Z30597 > Z30600 > Z39305 > A9439 > FT275048 according to the Armstrong Y-DNA Project. Oppenheimer played a major role in the Manhattan Project and is considered one of the fathers of the atomic bomb. Quite a few ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilisations flourished in territories where J2 lineages were preponderant. Bogdanowicza et al. The Minamoto are the patrilineal ancestors of numerous samurai clans, including the Akamatsu, Akechi, Amago, Arima, Ashikaga (shguns), Hatakeyama, Hosokawa, Ikeda, Imagawa, Kitabatake, Kuroda, Matsudaira, Miyake, Miyoshi, Mogami, Mori, Nanbu, Nitta, Ogasawara, ta, Rokkaku, Sakai, Sasaki, Satake, Satomi, Shiba, Shimazu, Takeda, Toki, Tokugawa (shguns), Tsuchiya and Yamana. For his work, he received a National Medal of Arts from President Barack Obama in 2013. It is likely that J2 men had settled over most of Anatolia, the South Caucasus and Iran by the end of the Last Glaciation 12,000 years ago. Zidane was named the best European footballer of the past 50 years in the UEFA Golden Jubilee Poll. Both belong to the Nakh ethnic group, who have inhabited that territory since at least 3000 BCE. Check also Haplogroups of European kings and queens for mtDNA lines of many Habsburg family members. The Bruces were first Lords of Annandale from 1124 until King Robert the Bruce conferred the title to his nephew, Thomas Randolph. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (b. Deepak Chopra (b. A six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner, he is known for his popular hit songs and compositions from the late 1950s through the 1980s. He was the co-host of NBC's Today show from 1997 to 2017, and a contributor for Dateline NBC. His grandfather was Henryk Sienkiewicz, a journalist, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate. He is primarily known for his novels and short stories set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, based on Lafayette County, Mississippi, where he spent most of his life. [27], In order to verify whether the body of a woman entombed near Sweyn II of Denmark in Roskilde Cathedral is that of his mother Estrid, mtDNA from pulp of teeth from each of the two bodies was extracted and analysed. Geni.com mentions his haplogroup as R1b-M269. A descendant of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter (1542-1623) tested at the Cecil DNA Project and belongs to R1b-U106 > Z381 > L48 > Z9 > Z331 > Z330 > Y6669 > S21728 > FGC18850 > Y21406 The migration map tab shows the path between Mitochondrial Eve who lived in African about 145,000 years ago and your haplogroup today. Therefore, not all men who belong to this haplogroup are descendants of Niall. 3,765 public Y-DNA members . This branch is found almost exclusively in South Asia today, apart from a few reported samples from the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Arabian peninsula, Egypt). 1941) belongs to Y-haplogroup J2a according to the PBS television series Finding Your Roots. Likewise, over 100 Y-DNA samples have been tested from Neolithic Europe, covering most of the important cultures, and only two J2 sample was found, in the Sopot and Proto-Lengyel cultures in Hungary, dating from 7,000 years ago. His haplogroup was first thought to be I2a-L147.2+ based on the results of another (unrelated) Tesla from the same village as his father. He is 3 micro sat distance from me on 12 markers. (2015) tested the Y-DNA of 13 Early Neolithic farmers from the Barcn site (6500-6200 BCE) in north-western Anatolia, and only one of them belonged to haplogroup J2a. According to descendant testing published on Geni.com, the Nevanlinna family of Finland belongs to haplogroup I1. Archeological evidence of a massive migration from the southern Caucasus to the Indus Valley is elusive at present, but it cannot be excluded as it has been proven now that large-scale Indo-European migrations took place during the same period from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe to Europe and Central Asia. Professor Lucotte tested the Y-DNA of Napoleon I, Napoleon III and their descendants, and was able to confirm that Napoleon III (1808-1873) was not the biological nephew of the first Emperor of the French. Four of the princes Lubomirski held the office of Grand Marshal of the Crown in the 17th and 18th centuries. This makes sense considering that they were the first to arrive, founded the greatest number of cities (including Gadir/Cadiz, Iberia's oldest city), and their settlements match almost exactly the zone where J2 is found at a higher frequency in southern Andalusia. We recruited 54 males and determined their mitochondrial haplogroup. Haplogroup I2 M438. The J-M172 (Y-DNA) haplogroup is defined by the M172 SNP DNA marker. MtDNA results indicate direct maternal descent while Y-DNA results indicate direct paternal descent; these are only two of many lines of descent. The PF5456 subclade is barely 2500 years old, and would have emerged and propagated after the founding of Rome. [35], Chinese warlord Cao Cao, who was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of the state of Cao Wei, belonged to Y-DNA Haplotype O2-M268 according to DNA tests of some documented present-day descendants with lineage records. The Rothschild family, who established an international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belonged to haplogroup J2a1-L210 (a subclade of M67) based on the results from the Rothschild DNA Project and of the J2-M172 Haplogroup Research. The PBS TV series Faces of America disclosed that he belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup O1a1. Most haplogroup members match significantly on 37, 67 and/or 111 markers. The current Princes of Monaco descend from the House of Polignac. He is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time, and is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877), often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction. Larmuseau et al. His Y-DNA is Q-M378 (previously Q1b). Zahi Hawass et al. Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, belonged to haplogroup R1b-P312 > Z30597 based on the testing of a descendant of his grandfather, Judge James Wilson (1787-1850) at the Wilson DNA Project (Genetic Family ZZN). 1947) is an Indian American author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and a prominent figure in the New Age movement. The provisional criteria for inclusion in the list require the fulfillment of the following conditions: For research progress and team motivation please contribute: Genographic Project J2 Haplogroups & SNPs, Best Y-DNA upgrade for basic Y-SNP-chip tests like 23andMe, Ancestry, BritainsDNA, J-L24 Draft Trees Aburto, Ryabchenko et al. Geni Wiki Projects Page. Clan Bruce is a Lowlands Scottish clan, which was a Royal House in the 14th century, producing two kings of Scotland (Robert the Bruce and David II of Scotland), and a disputed High King of Ireland, Edward Bruce.

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