billy shears pictures

DNA and fingerprints do not lie. I'm not writing this review to sway anyone's beliefs on how you view Mr. William Shepherd or the author of this book. Why Do the Beatles Sing About Billy Shears? 2.5 Baths. 07/11/2020 As most of you now know, Cindy has decided not to return to the salon for personal health reasons. Paul did not die but he did leave the Beatles, youtube John Halliday aka Paul McCartney, he just lived a normal life, also, on the St Pepper's album, they the name 'The Beatles' to '5 Beatles' John is NOT DEAD!!! You got me. This was thought to symbolize a funeral procession: John Lennon, dressed in white, represented the Church (and white is the traditional color of mourning in many Eastern cultures) Ringo dressed in black, represented the undertaker. If anyone's done research proving that the "biography" of William "Shears" Campbell of the "Ontario Police Department" with a girlfriend conveniently named "Rita" is a phantasm cobbled together from snippets of Beatles song's and album photographs, a reference to that research would also be good. What IF the "british invasion" was about more than music? Faul is protected by powerful people and money or he would have been exposed years ago. When i was in my twenties and in the military, my heighth changed and my facial features changed. But somewhere along the way Paul crashed, skidding off the bike and faceplanting into the wet, icy pavement, busting his lip and cracking a tooth. If you watch the videos of them both playing you will see thatPaul knew the Bass and rarely ever looked at the fretboard in stark contrast to Faul. John wanted to leave the business. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium de Billy Shearsby de qualit. The Beatles never played live again nor come to US for awhile. Required fields are marked *. The latest Tweets from Billy Shears (@BillyShears8). She goes on and on about some sort of Betrayal that would devastate the world if the truth were to be known. This landmark announcement happened on the same day that Paul McCartney appeared on the David Letterman show where they joked about the silly rumor that Paul McCartney had died in 1966. Although John Pepper was head of the entire British spy organization in the US from the late 1940's, his presence has been pretty well scrubbed from history. Paul's flower is black but the other three flowers are red. They wouldnt let something silly like the death of their lead singer stop the money from flowing in, would they? I work in the music industry and have played with Billy many times over the years and he sometimes slips up with his accent. Could be, since in it McCartney (or the imposter) sings: Took her home and nearly made it., Take a mirror and lay it horizontally across the middle of the drum skin on the artwork on the front cover of the Sgt. He wear no shoeshine may refer to the barefoot Paul in the cover photo for the LP. While John, George, and Ringo are all looking to the side, Paul is looking frontward. More clues can be found in the booklet included in the Magical Mystery Tour: Paul is shoeless in some pictures, is the only one to wear a black flower on his lapel while the others are red, has a hand above his head in various pictures, and he even sits behind a sign stating "I Was." Now, on with my original comment. The original Beatle Paul Was most certainly replaced. Then Paul McCartney introduces the singer coming up on the next song So let me introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears and Ringo starts to sing. . In Paul's mouth, his upper right canine tooth is pushed out of its normal position because there is not enough room in his jaw for all of his teeth to fit properly. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. The Memoirs has a built-in sequel. Brace yourself for a shocking shift in consciousness. The mystery can live on, but the song becomes further immortalized. The only problem was that Lennon knew far more than most agents would ever be allowed to imagine knowing. In many ways the identity of Billy Shears is clear enough. When the album is turned 90 degrees to the right, it appears that Paul is on a morgue slab or looking up from a coffin. Pepper's album cover. And Sgt. According to the Paul is Dead theorists Pauls death explains why the band stopped touring in 1966, and started growing beards! Take a mirror and lay it horizontally across the middle of the drum skin on the artwork on the front cover of the Sgt Pepper sleeve and it reads. The Talent Contest includes the lyrics to 28 previously unpublished songs that you will enjoy as poetry about love, money, the death of Paul, a subterranean reptilian, and more. Billy Shears after 50 years by Northern Life Steve Goddard explains how an unmarried mother and the most influential LP of the 20th Century provide the inspiration for a novel. Between the longer hair and the glasses and beard he was unreconizable by the Abbey Road album. Then you are all mental. When they returned to London the band of musical lads had no idea one of their brethren would die a short time later, and whether they liked it or not would be forced by intelligence agencies to accept his replacement the show must go on. I'm 27 and most of the Beatles music doesn't impress me, except for Yesterday, Penny Lane and Hey Jude which are exceptionally good songs. I find peace in thinking about John playing a song he contributed so much to and lived thru in such Grace. During the song Ringo, for the benefit of the numbnuts out there, confirms the true identity of Billy Shears. The Michigan Daily published it on 14 October, under the title McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought To Light. Really Look. But remember, Paul was no saint. No winners were ever announced for this competition. Tara was the heir to the Guinness fortune, a possible MI6 agent and from a family of aristocrats, Rosicrucians and Master Freemasons. Dual misdirection at its finest. Facebook & YouTube links. I've always liked the prospect of happy endings. Whoever took over knew how to write songs with bite in them and not those poppy paulies although he can do those as well. They do not want to find out that so much of what they have believed all their lives was a lie. .a clear reference in theorists minds to the dates of Pauls death in Roman numerals I ONE = 11 (i.e November) and IX = 9. Whereas all the other Beatles are facing to one side Paul (i.e Billy Shears) is looking directly at the viewer against a blood red background. However, those that believe Paul is dead say this is actually a photo of Billy Shears (William Campbell). . No matter what the truth is, it doesn't really matter if they're wrong, they're right, where they belong. Billy Shears's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. She got a great amount of $$$$ in their divorce settlement and then not a peep anymore from Ms. Mills.We may never know the real truth or, we already do? Prior to this album, the Beatles had written and sung primarily about love, but then all of a sudden their music began to take a darker turn; music historians and the band themselves blame this on smoking marijuana and the changing of the times the perfect answer for an intelligence Gestapo hellbent on dumping every drug imaginable upon the youth. Sort by lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year, VIN, and location. Where is his remains located? Billys name is there at the end of the very first song, I dont really want to stop the show It was created with the talents of the poet-encoder, Thomas E. Uharriet, and has a foreword by Gregory Paul Martin, the son of fifth Beatle George Martin. Has not changed. Anyone who can't see (or simply refuses to see) the fact that the Paul McCartney of Sgt. Without Faul they probably wouldn't have been so influential. These features are, for the most part, inconsistent with the Beatlemania Paul look. the question is how many faux pauls have there been? Recorded May 6, 2022. his accident, he still felt the self-conscious need to cover up a scar and chipped tooth that he supposedly walked around with for over seven months! When the album is held upside down, the word 'Beatles' spells out the phone number of a London mortuary. That's something an "imposter" would not do. Meaning, somebody, either record execs or intelligence agents (or both) came up with the idea of never revealing Paul's death and hiring an impostor to take his place. Genres: Glam rock . And here you are 50 years later, still talking about the smoke screen. What about that looney Heather Mills? He often incorporates elements of nature into his photos, which gives them a unique and beautiful look. In 1974 McCartney told Rolling Stone: "Someone from the office rang me up and said, 'Look, Paul, you're dead.' And I said, 'Oh, I don't agree with that.'" . The Beatles were replaced on the eve of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1967). If Ringo had feared the non disclosure agreement he never would have stepped forward at all. Paperback $18.88 (Available Everywhere!) Crafted with poetic brilliance, while conveying the historical message from Sir Paul's point of view, this book utilizes multiple methods of encoding, gnostic, numerological, mythological, and cultic symbology, all with layered meaning that pulls you in deeper with each reading. Did they see no way around Fail playing his bass with the wrong hand? Cool Patty S. Elite 2023 Corinth, TX 55 529 8 11/29/2018 I have been going here for years. Pepper as the beginning of Pauls death, but even though it first introduced Billy Shears as Paul, it is actually on the Revolver album where the imaginary of death is everywhere. There are the three appearances of Shirley Temple, one of which features a blood stained bloody glove and model car placed on her lap, possibly a direct reference to Taras (or Pauls) accident. .. Everyone points to Sgt. This link is for all THE REST of what we would like to share about The Memoirs of Billy Shears and its related books. Also Somerset House staff where all births, deaths and marriages are recorded. Now go back and listen to Paul's lead vocals on any work from 1962 to 1966, and look out for those same distinctive vocals I mentioned. Also as mentioned in other comments,plastic surgery at that time was green. Those looking for lyrical references to Pauls death listened closely to the lyrics of the songs on Abbey Road. Where Did the Beatles Get the Name Billy Shears? Billy Shears is just a ficticious name. The differences in the parting of the hair, the eye color, the shoe size, the height and Dr Truby's vocal pattern analysis all make sense. Hardcover regularly $18.88, now ON SALE IN THE UNITED STATES for HALF PRICE! It's too dark in this closet. Not currently available. Maybe in '66 and a year or three but now, No. To me, the greatest argument against the "Paul is dead" theory is very similar to the greatest argument against the "Elvis is Alive" theory. Where did this come from out of the blue? One of the main successes of mind control is constant repetition from a young age and "what everybody else thinks." If you really want to prove that Paul is really Paul, find out what happened to the real Billy Shears. Because his name was used by the Beatles on an iconic album title! If this is true in any way I could never look at any of reality in the same way. The BSC was a covert organization setup in New York City in 1940 upon the authorization of Winston Churchill to mobilize pro-British opinion in the US. This massive propaganda campaign was mobilized from Rockefeller Center and supported by the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. The Sgt. The fact that Paul (i.e William Campbell Shears) is barefooted confirms it! It's very strange, prompting Mama Cass to state McCartney looked ill when the promos were eventually aired in America. Sgt. Trouvez des images et des photos d'actualits de Billy Shearsby sur Getty Images. He has a long oval chin. Embarrassed by his fat lip he began to grow a moustache. There is no source for these claims other than legend, even though we do know that Pauls friend Tara Browne died in a vicious car accident around the same time. And as someone else mentioned, wouldn't the real Billy Shears have had family and friends somewhere? His work has been featured in many magazines and he has won numerous awards for his photography. Good Morning, Good Morning opens with the line Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in. One story of Pauls fatal accident was that he had picked up a woman named Rita and she became so excited when she realized she was in a car with Paul McCartney that she threw herself on him. TAGS: Oil - 4 Stroke. These memoirs of Paul McCartney are far less conservative than the traditional story. Sorry, this hardcover edition is not currently available for shipment outside of the Americas. The John is dead fake was set up years in advance. The four-armed Indian doll at the front of the picture is Shiva, symbol of both destruction and creation. When he was 16 years old, he formed a band called the Raving Texans with his friends James McCartney (Pauls brother) and Pete Best (the Beatles original drummer). He then persuaded the remaining Beatles to stay together and accept William Campbell Shears as a replacement. You are correct in your stated assumption that the book had to be written as fiction and that people see what they want to see. The Memoirs of Billy Shears brings astonishing facts to light that have been hidden for decades. 9," where, after reversing the song, you could hear a voice saying: "Turn me on dead man," and then the sound of a terrible collision, the sounds of crackling flames and a voice screaming "Let me out! Website Created & Hosted withDoteasy Web Hosting Canada, After you have a good handle on the entire narrative, read it again with the word-stacking and the acrostic. I mean, it's just a bit of poetry. Beatles Songs covered by the band. With a little plastic surgery he also assumed Pauls baby faced good looks. He said he had fallen off his moped during his Christmas stay with his family near Liverpool. WISHED I HAD NEVER HEARD OF ANY RUMORS OF THE DEATH OF MY FAVORITE BEATLE!!! Then, from the Preface, running on through the book for 612 pages (pages 5 to 617), is the worlds longest acrostic . Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) you can hear a voice shouting Paul is dead, yeah, really dead!. Some rights reserved CC BY-ND 4.0. Fifty years on from 1967 and the Summer of Love, 'Shears' is a squeaky-clean Anglican chaplain, nursing memories of a lost and secret love. The reality is there are lots of people that are afraid of the truth. This is an Amazon book review I wrote on 9 Jun 20 for Billy's Back!! He seemed like the same old Paul albeit older. In Faul's mouth, that same canine tooth is also crooked, but there is plenty of room in his jaw for all of his teeth. I'm not here to judge you at all. Trying to prove or disprove anything from these albums is a waste of time. The Billy Shears Band photos. It was the 1st June 1967, the day on which the Beatles released their much anticipated masterwork album, Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Those dreamy eyes I fell in love with in 1963. He is a replacement for the original drummer of the band, Ringo Starr. Would this false Paul (Faul) prove to be even better than the original, and if so how would the other Beatles react? He was played by actor Peter Frampton. No winners were ever announced for this competition. What about there is not 1 picture of him using glasses occasionally? I don't enjoy the idea that Paul may have died in an automobile accident. Billy Shears Pictures . Every time he sells a 99 Flake he gives the game away by asking if you want Strawberry Sauce Forever! Forget Paul. Why? Faking deaths is done on an industrial scale, not least in phoney terror attacks but also with all those celebs and musicians dropping off their perches - Bowie, G. Michael etc etc. Guess the original know he was going to die and left clues before he died. Nonsense. I have to add that as John said, and I quote when he was asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world, he replied with " He's not the best drummer in the Beatles". Two of the dolls arms are raised, one pointing at the wax image of the younger Paul and the other pointing at Paul himself. This site is no longer updated. Since no other teeth are pushing against the crooked tooth, how did that tooth become crooked? There are so many differences between the two. He was played by Peter Frampton. Select Economy Shipping to anywhere in the US for $3.95 The Memoirs of Billy Shears. DNA and fingerprints do nor lie. Pepper onward is not the same Paul McCartney pre-Winter of 1966. It sucks being lied to since.. forever. "Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy." ~ Adolf Hitler. Published on Mar 3, 2023. These memoirs of Paul McCartney are far less conservative than the traditional story. I spent much of the past year researching this, and even saw Paul in concert in Green Bay last summer. Paul is also crawling out of George's ear (a Beatle, and beetles among other insects crawl out of the ears and eye sockets of corpses). Carlesi pointed out that the line separating Faul's lips is much wider, to the point that it was obvious even when Faul grew a mustache, perhaps in an attempt to hide that detail. He was and still is 5'11" hazel eyes. Explore. Richard : and anyone else reading this- if you can't tell Paul from Faul, you're either not looking hard enough, or you're not being objective. Of course William Campbell Shears was as equally talented, charming and witty as the original Paul and although he was an American he quickly assumed Pauls distinctive Liverpool accent!. Hardcover regularly $18.88, now ON SALE IN THE UNITED STATES for HALF PRICE! The Sun King was the French monarch Louis XIV. But somewhere along the way Paul crashed, skidding off the bike and faceplanting into the wet, icy pavement, busting his lip and cracking a tooth. But to the three remaining Beatles this was their first attempt at telling us something happened in 1965, after Yesterday. The Beatles were allegedly the first Illuminati owned and operated musical brand, exceeding the cabals wildest dreams and generating profits unheard of at the time with most of their hit singles and Albums topping the charts for months on end. Billy and the Rest are the best. Create new account. I believe that had no choice in keeping up the charade, like it or not. Paul ordered 2 new Raleigh mopeds from Camerons, a local motorcycle shop and when ready he and girlfriend Jane Asher went over to pick them up. And what about police reports? Pepper album as more proof of the on-going conspiracy that Paul McCartney had been killed in a car crash on November 9th, 1966 and replaced with a look-a-like, sound-a-like named Billy Shears. Is this Jane Asher, Pauls girlfriend at the time of his fatal accident? Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.. Before his death, John Lennon wasnt very popular with intelligence agencies, Nixon hated him and the FBI had been watching him, worried he was too popular an influence on the youth, they branded him a danger and sought his removal. McCartney had to submit to a DNA test, and the test showed that he was not her father. The arrival of an impostor in late 1966 would explain why the Beatles all started growing mustaches and stopped touring that same year as it would have been too easy to spot a fake Paul McCartney performing on stage.

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