loud house bully fanfiction

Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< I don't want to hear another word out of you anymore, until you start helping Lincoln more often, you're grounded, which means no more Sports channels for you for the rest of the month. Liam: You're tellin' me, these bullies are meaner than a yellow jacket with a bad case of rabies. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Anderson: >to Lincoln< Hope you enjoyed your "Royal Flush" your majesty. (Taylor grabbed the pen and signed in her name on the paper, once the paper is signed, she hands it to him). Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! Lincoln: I never have feelings for Taylor, and she never has feelings for me and whoever she hangs out with is none of your business! Mr. Chong: You started bullying because you were bullied by your big brother, and you are worried about others bullying you. Image details Image size The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. Lynn Sr.: >to Leni< Leni, I know you dont trust her just because she bullied Lincoln in the past, but shes our guest. Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Anderson: >to Lincoln< Dont you ignore us and talk to us like that, I think its time we make up for missing out on our end of the week punches. Mario and the characters related are a registered trademark own and created by Nintendo. Lynn Sr.: Well, I see you are making a good decision and you took real care of Lincoln, even better than Lynn in my case. (The whole school heard Taylor shouting to the bullies, Taylor continues to shout at them). Rita: >to Taylor< Sorry that had to behave like this, they are too overprotective with their brother, take after me of course. Loud, I want to apologize for bullying your son, I was manipulated into doing things I wasn't supposed to do, he didnt deserve that much treatment from any of us, I was wrong to bully him, I want to start over and take care of him like I supposed to, Im an eighth grader, as an eighth grader, its supposed to be my responsibility to lead others into the right path and make great decisions, and not lead them to the wrong path and make the wrong decisions. # 11. Taylor: Oh, and one more thing, please dont ever listen to Lynn, she may be your sister, but she is dead wrong, you should never fight a bully, not only will they get in trouble, you will be involved in this either, you are a nice kid. WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. Anderson: >to Lincoln< So you little twerp, you think that your little trick is going to work on Taylor? Taylor: Well, I honestly dont blame you for being forced to go on a double date, but its not really nice to talk about someone else when they hear about it. WebThe Loud House Month Of Horror! Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< Taylor, is there something you want to say to him? (Later after dinner, Lincoln was getting ready for bed, until he gets a call from Taylor on video chat, he answers). Well too bad, shes bad to the bone. They regretted for everything they had done to him. Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! Mr. Chong: Now, have you learned something from this experience? I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." Lincoln: YES, YES, YES, YES, I'LL OBEY, PLEASE LET GO OF ME! (Caution: This story may contain violence and severe bullying that may be disturbing to some readers, viewer description is advised and read at your own risk), (It starts on a Friday afternoon after school where Lynn was watching a Baseball game, it was the Michigan Volcanos vs. the Carolina Raptors, Lynn was enjoying the game as she was eating Jalapeno chips and drinking Gatorade rooting for her team), (The Pitcher throws the ball and the batter swings the bat resulting in a homerun). Seventh Grade Boy #2: Yeah, we never do anything wrong in real life, honest. WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. What was it that attracted her to him? Leni: Who is it this time? Sibling Incest. Sisters: YEAH! (Lincoln had shown Taylor the Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom, Attic and then they got to the bedrooms). Lincoln: Guys, keep your cool, if I sense something wrong, Ill let you know, just relax. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Taylor: Speaking of which, I would like to meet your family, of course I already know who Lynn is. (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) Taylor: Well, I thought maybe you and I could start developing a better interaction as friends after the mess I've made back there. Completed lincolnloud sadness leniloud +9 more # 2 Lincoln the Jedi by Hollowhunter2 57.4K 734 15 What if Lincoln can feel the force? [passes by his classmates as they give him Well, you are going to be sacked in a snack. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I just want to tell you that you will not be allowed to be near Lynn until further notice, we just punished her for what she did to you. crossover. Taylor: It's okay, she and I aren't friends anyway. Taylor: Thank you for letting me sit with your friends Lincoln, I enjoyed that. Mark my words, you all havent seen the last of us! WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Young Anderson: You seem to be a bully to your own kind, wanna join our group? Principal Ramirez: Now back to class with you and have a good rest of the day. Mr. Chong: Please pay attention, let us see what would happen if you continue doing this. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. Rita: >to Lynn Sr.< Honey, we talked about that accent. Lincoln: Well, Loris in college right now so she wont be coming back until Thanksgiving break, unless if shes at the Casagrandes for Thanksgiving because shes dating one of my best friends big brother. Taylor: Yes, never fall into the wrong crowd. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. Stella: >to Lincoln< I just can't believe she transferred you to Canada. Principal Ramirez: Have you and the two boys been bullying him again? Lynn: >offscreen, to Lincoln< I know who she is Stinkoln, but I still wouldnt trust her though. Lana: Is it Carol? Anderson: Dont worry about her, now that shes fired as Hall Monitor, our problems with her are finally over, we are free to bully any kid that gets in our way. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Taylor: Mmm, that's delicious, I wish I could have that for dinner, all I got was tomato soup for dinner and trust me, it's nasty, my Mom's cooking isn't that great, even my Dad agrees with me. (Lynn helped Taylor escort Lincoln to class for the rest of the day, the next morning, at the School news center, Lincoln and Clyde were going live). She turned over a new leaf? WebAudrey is a minor character The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Schooled!". 58.7K 547 33. Taylor: I am, but as long as Im with Anderson and Pablo, it looks like hes mad at me. WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. Principal Ramirez: I'm not giving you anymore second chances, you are finished with your Hall Monitor duty, giving tickets to students and reporting is one thing, but abusing them to respect the rules by force is a very serious no no, as an eighth grader, it's your responsibility to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and not the wrong path, I'm sorry but we are done with this conversation, you have detention for the rest of the week! Lincoln: >to Luan< It's not very uncommon for a kid like me to make friends with an upperclassmen like Taylor, as long as I got a new friend, I'll be okay. Pablo: Oh, pretending to be a friend to that white haired chump and picking on the babies later on is pure genius. School Officer: >to Anderson< Hold your tongue son. Pablo: I'll keep you safe here, you can check in, but you can't check out, so long "Locklon"! Taylor: I know me and my brother werent close buthe was barley a part of my life because he was with his friends and they made him do bad decisions, and they hurt me, hes no longer the boy I know, he was a monster that tortured me, now that my brother is out of my life thanks to my Dad arresting him for domestic child abuse, he couldnt let go of what he loved to do, in the end, I destroyed him. But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Lincoln: Come on, why do you guys have to act like that? Pablo: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you cant make friends with a bully! Webwerewolf. (Taylor and Mr. Chong end their meditation and resumed to the real world, Taylor opened her eyes and walked out of the guidance office, later in the cafeteria as Taylor was still sitting with Lincoln and his friends, Anderson and Pablo were planning on how to get Taylor away from Lincoln and force her to go back to the same bully group she has been with since Middle School). Lisa: Let me guess, its an older girl isnt it? By: ed edd n eddy IN MINECRAFT Rated: Fiction T - English - Horror - Chapters: 26 - Words: 20,629 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 26 - Updated: Oct 31, 2017 - Published: Sep 29, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Mr. Chong: If he thinks you are going back to your bullying ways with them, you arent Lincolns friend anymore. Principal Ramirez: No excuses, no exceptions, if you ever abuse them again, I will have to suspend you for the rest of the week, now get out! WebAudrey is a minor character The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Schooled!". Appearance Audrey is a toddler girl with light skin, short dirty blonde hair, two pairs of eyelashes and a single tooth. Enjoy! (At the dining room Taylor was sitting next to Lincoln as she took Lynns spot, Rita spoke up). You got guns than you go to jail! Lincoln: That's the worst advice I've ever have gotten from you! Lynn Sr.: >to Loud siblings< Kids dinner's ready, it's Taco Tuesday, >to Lynn< but not you Lynn, you can't have dinner with us, we will send it up to your room! (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) Taylor: No joke, I just wanted to sayI'm sorry for bullying you. (The School officer escorted the two bullies off the building, Taylor turned to Lincoln and reached her hand to him, he grabs her hand and she lifts him up, Lincoln gave her a heartwarming hug). I watch documentaries with Lisa all the time, she says watching documentaries is a part of education, all I can ever do is watch A.R.R.G.H.! This better not be a trick, I know what you are going to do next, flip me over, wedgie, wet willy--. Anderson: >to Lincoln< Are you ready twerp? (Anderson punched his hand with his fist in anger, the next day, Lincoln and Taylor started to ride their bicycles to the park, they ordered ice cream for them both, Lincoln got the Chocolate Vanilla Swirl while Taylor picked Strawberry Unicorn, they sat on a bench as they were looking at the clouds). Lincoln: >to Anderson< What are you talking about? (From the inside, Lincoln and Taylor just chuckled at her joke, Anderson and Pablo were annoyed at this). Well, that was a big surprise, what is it that you want to talk to me about? Taylor: Cheese? "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Mr. Chong: Sure it's nice to make new friends, and it's okay to hang out with them for a while, but that's only temporary, because sooner or later, if you don't leave them, your future will be dark, are you sure you still want to be friends with them? Lynn: Hold it right there you gun possessing maniacs, for talking about guns, that's punishment by me. (And this is what Taylor did, she crossed her legs like an Indian, pressed her index finger and thumbs together closed her eyes and hummed, they both hummed and Taylor was lost in meditation, Mr. Chong, in a form of a spirit speaks to her). Lincoln: "Lincoln Loud in the house!" Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to WebUser blog:Austria-Man/A Loud House Fanfic: Heroine or not Heroine; User blog:Austria-Man/Crows; User blog:Austria-Man/The Sleeping Boy; User blog:Austria-Man/The Ugly Loud; User blog:Austria-Man/Truth or Fanfiction? Lola: Uh Lincoln, What are you doing with your hair combed and teeth brushed? (Lincoln and Taylor traded lunches with each other, the rest of the friends were eating their school lunch as well, Anderson and Pablo just watched them from a distance while sitting at their own table). Mr. Chong: I see, well I think you should start over and show some confidence, even if you did bully him, he might still be afraid, just tell him that you have no interest in bullying him anymore, it does take a while to gain trust, but eventually, he'll get to know you, don't force him, just remain patient and he will be comfortable. (For a while Taylor just cried a bit and looked at herself with a younger version of herself, she now lost her young caring self and her life as a bully turned her into a monster she is today, she then walked out of the bathroom and headed straight to the principal's office, it then cuts to the principals office where she is on her computer going over her files, she heard a knock on the door). (Lynn pastes a ticket on Lincoln's face, but she pins Lincoln and grabs his arm twisting it). (The bullies, laughed at him some more, leaving Lincoln annoyed, then on a Tuesday, as Lincoln was opening his locker, Pablo picked him up and shoved him in there, he closes it locking him on the inside). Taylor: Greeting Royal Woods Kangaroos Im Taylor, you may know me as the bully on the bus, or the hallway, I want to make a quick apology, the reason why I was bullied was because someone on my family bullied me at a young age, and because I was prepared for middle school, I had to defend myself against anyone who would pick on me, after that, everyone was scared of me, except Anderson and Pablo, the wrong group that I accidentally ran with, they manipulated me into doing something I wasnt supposed to do, and I owe everyone a huge apology and I deserve a second chance, but I would like to inform everyone that being an eighth grader is a lot of hard work and discipline, as eighth graders, its our responsibility to lead all sixth and seventh graders down the right path and have them make the right decisions, if we were to lead them the wrong path, then we would set a bad example for them, just because someone older than you bullies you, doesnt mean that you should bully others, and I have learned my lesson, any continuation of a bully may cause others to have depression, low self esteem, low peer pressure and suicidal thoughts and bullying is the number one causes of these consequences, so my motto is, Be a buddy, not a Bully, this is Taylor signing off. He looks around and sees it riding away on the highway She is one of Lily 's classmates. Lincoln: Thanks, but, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Rita: >to Lynn, angered< Do you have any idea how hurt Lincoln is? Principal Ramirez: Now help Taylor escort Lincoln to class. Mr. Chong: That's what I thought, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not too bright are you? Mr. Chong: We don't always see things the way they really are, take a look in the mirror, what do you see? Rusty: >to Lincoln< You know, we tried to warn you, and so did Lynn, she is your big sister after all. Anderson: >to Taylor and Pablo< Come on guys, lets find other kids to bully. Taylor: Whats gotten into me? Lynn: >to Lincoln, shoves him< Out of the way Stinkoln! Lynn >offscreen, in office< FIRED!?!?!?!?! Lincoln: You guys don't have to worry about it, as long as Taylor doesn't bully us anymore and she doesn't hang out with her friends, things will go smoothly. Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Lincoln: Yes, I guess things are starting to work out better for me after all. Stella: I thought we taught them a lesson, but it didn't work. Mr. Chong: See? Guidance Counselor: Oh, hey dudette, what can I do for you? Lincoln: And you cant control them to do the things you love to do! Lincoln: But she took those anti-bullying programs and promised--. WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set. (Taylor and Lincoln hear the sound of feet coming down the stairs, at least eight sisters except Lynn greeted Taylor), Lincoln: Predict me to introduce you to my sisters, >to Leni< Leni, >to Luna< Luna, >to Luan< Luan. Lincoln: First of all, I can't do this alone, secondly, fighting is not the answer, you should have been there for me like all siblings do. Anderson: You really care about this boy? Principal Ramirez: I'm very proud of you for making the right decision, now hurry along, the program starts in five minutes, oh have you gotten lunch yet? The one youve been crushing on since your birthday? I expect comments. Lincoln: I don't ever want to be around her anymore if she keeps acting like a bully more than a caring sister, Why can't she be as nice as Lori, Leni or Luna? WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. He started sobbing in his hands as he can only think about what his sisters said to him. I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Lincoln: She can make her own decisions, its not about you, its also about her, you have no right to control her like that! (Pablo laughs as he walked away leaving Lincoln alone). I'll tell you what happened, this is the fifth time this week I've been bullied by these eighth graders! Joy: >points to Chandler< Chandler pranked him with a woopie cushion. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Allow me to give you the grand tour. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. He's your brother! Taylor: I understand, I suppose I want to make an apology to everyone online, even if I take the risk of being bashed on. Taylor: >to Lincoln, assures him< Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you. Lynn: But Mom, it's middle school, I want to protect him from being bullied or getting into trouble. (The same bullies were looking at them as they were snickering ready to strike by the time they get off the bus, in the locker hallway, Lincoln was trying to open his locker, Taylor was the one that was sneaking up from behind him, until Lincoln was getting tortured by not Taylor but Chandler who just pantsed him by pulling down his pants showing his Ace Savvy underwear). Taylor: He was seventeen going on eighteen, because he bullied me after I passed the fourth grade, he joined up with a gang and tortured me, he told me that middle school was going to be tougher for me because I would face bigger challenges, so he kept torturing me more and more and more at the start of middle schooluntil one day in the middle of the semester, it happened. It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. This is the worst! WebLynner or Loser. (Taylor cleared her throat and spoke to the microphone, as she was talking the whole school was watching her). WebLola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! Lynn Sr.: Sure son, I dont see why not, I mean we hadnt had guests since your 12th Birthday party. Lincoln: Some friend she is, and yet she didnt even bother to back me up, I know there is some good in her somewhere, the bullies are manipulating her into doing something she wasnt supposed to do, I guess me and Taylor arent friends anymore because of this incident. I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." Making the Grade (my version) Thomperfan 24 March 2017 User blog:Thomperfan. Long story short, in the universe WebHere my very first fanfiction. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. (Taylor pedaled away from the park, cops surrounded Lincolns body and lifted him to the hospital, Lincoln was in the bed with some injuries to the face, Rita, Lynn Sr. and the sisters even Lynn felt very sad that Lincoln had to be beaten up by Anderson, the friends then came in and surrounded Lincoln with some get well cards, the next day, Lincoln came back home as he walked upstairs to his room and laid on his bed with a sad beaten up look on his face, he looks at the photos and him and Taylor on his phone, meanwhile at Taylors house, Anderson and Pablo were hanging around in her bedroom, the boys were playing Smash brothers on her nintendo switch, but Taylor wasnt interested, she started to shed more tears in her eyes, Lincoln then started to cry as Taylor was no longer his friend, same goes with Taylor as she started to cry as well, later that night, Lincoln was coming downstairs to join his family for Pizza night, Lynn Sr. just ordered them Pizza and wings, though Lincoln was eating, he wasnt eating as fast as he did, Lynn looked in concerned, as Lincoln was getting to bed, a knock on the door was heard), (It was Lynn she walked up to Lincoln and sat next to him).

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