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Customer Service. The dozen paintings in Dollhouse show a group of girls in repose, playing cards or hiding behind a candelabra, and her painted dollhouse is inspired by one Weyant had growing up. Gagosian is sixty-seven years old, the son of Armenian migrs: a housewife who was once a minor actress (she appeared in an Orson Welles production) and an accountant who worked for the city of Los Angeles. I first encountered her work at the Upstairs Art Fair in the Hamptons in 2019, where 56 Henrys Ellie Rines was selling her paintings laid out on an Al Freeman Jr. beach towel for $450 a pop. + '

' Courtesy the artist With her market on the rise, painter Anna Weyant has joined Gagosian, the mega-gallery empire with 19 locations worldwide. } Plus, who doesnt bump into friends and more-than-friends at parties that you may or may not have both coordinated attending in advance? , updated After RISD, Weyant spent seven months at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou studying traditional painting before returning to New York and landing a job as an artists assistant. Already a member? //position at bottom of screen [3] The gallery worked with up-and-coming artists such as Vija Celmins, Alexis Smith, and Elyn Zimmerman, and staged exhibitions such as "Broxton Sequences: Sequential Imagery in Photography", which included the work of John Baldessari and Bruce Nauman. Want to stay ahead of the art world? } '