are glocks safe to carry chambered

And, sorry youre a confused fool. If you try to have a healthy debate its always 100% of the time NOTHING but internet people telling other internet people that their particular opinion is wrong. That may be true but it is also irrelevant, since the *actual* cause of the negligent discharge is*negligence. An officer was chasing a man down a stairwell with his pistol drawn and the man was shot, but apparently, he was not actually a criminal. For those of you that don't know, "Israeli Carry" is the practice carrying a pistol without a round in the chamber. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. As a top performer in reliability and safety tests, it quickly entered into the Austrian military and police service. From someone that ignorant, nothing he says or does would surprise me. Of course, when I was a soldier, I listened to guys who had been there. Then you have the big, scary, single-action magnums by IWI (the BFR) Freedom Arms and custom guns from Jeff Linebaugh. Do it right; prepare the firearm for immediate use and take the neccessary precautions given that state of readiness. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective I am still way ahead of the guy who doesnt carry. OK , Ill bite this time , I let it pass the first (hundredth) time , but Im all in now . The SAA was designed to be carried fully loaded with the hammer back on the first notch. I am lacking a rapier and main gauche though so maybe not ready for the six fingered man. Dave: And the 1911 series 80 fits into that category. I dont understand why anyone who carries a modern firearm is afraid to carry a round in the chamber??? In fact, Ill prove it. If you have your Glock properly holstered it cant go off, Those are what ifs what if you slip in the shower get hit in the crosswalk get rundown by a terrorist in a f150 train be vigilant and stay away from the end that has 6 letters. You can get a lockbox for $50 or less from Amazon or from most hardware stores. I find the whole thing absurd and literally every firearm expert agrees with me. As I commented after the previous article, carry so that all you have to do is draw and pull the trigger. For myself I carry an HK P30sk with the double action hammer in the down position and the manual safety on. Fuck off gov. No, but itll do the job in almost all instances. But thank goodness I dont have to make that choice. Now try looking up punctuation. Alright so you said all the pros, not all are valid. If you want a common username better grab it quick though. I for one dont want to take the chance of fumbling around with a gun trying to rack the gun under pressure. He has earned black belts in four martial arts and is a certified Krav Maga instructor. I answered the asked question. I turn it into the five gun question instead. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Still, I keep hearing how unsafe Glocks are, from people who have never handled one and essentially know nothing about handguns in general. sounds like bullshat urban legend.. One observation concerning all the keyboard commandos here they seem to make the assumption that people primarily carry guns in preparation for a gunfight, and this is not always true. Modern revolvers with some sort of disconnect can be carried full up. June 2016. Reply Quote. Ive run an experiment with a rough 1911 with a POS barrel that was scrap. As I mentioned elsewhere here, the trigger pull and safety mechanism are irrelevant to the *proximate* cause of any Glock discharge Im aware of. I use either a DiSantis OWB when its jacket/coat weather or an Alien Gear 3.5 IWB when it Polo or T shirt weather. Its your right to be retarded. Length: 7.3. Personally, I have several, ranging from BP revolvers to modern SA and DA revolvers & semi-auto pistols, to rifles and shotguns. Hire someone who did it on other blogs. the number of people out there who keep a single-action revolver as a home defense. Its a toughy. Glock G21 439. at and so as to keep continuity in their mindset they keep that same gun on the headboard at night with no round in the chamber so that there wont be any confusion If I feel the urge to admire, use and hold a finely engineered machine I might just as likely pull out and ogle any one of my watches, of my bicycles, of my cars, of my surgical instruments, of my fountain pens or of my firearms. It became the norm to carry with an empty chamber. Most 1911s come with a half cock safety, but again, you would have to ensure it was engaged properly and its prone to breakage. Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. Yes Sir I do and the ones scattered in the house also. It prevents the trigger from being manipulated unless a finger is pressing on it. Several years ago I read an article (I think it was Masaad Ayoob) detailing about a half dozen cases were cops had their guns taken away from them by perps and the perps couldnt figure out how to manipulate the safeties, saving the cops lives. Folks, a GLOCK (or any other striker-fired pistol) is perfectly safe with a little intelligence combined with a bit of assiduity. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. Ammoland eh? Wonder why guns are the most logical option? We can talk about home carry vs guns hidden in various locarions in the house. Much the less wish to discuss the merits of hammer mounted versus frame mounted firing pins, or the S&W design of using a rebound slide instead (my favorite design). But do suggest they make more of them and lower the price for us plebes. What Glock Is Most Used By Law Enforcement; Who Makes The Glock 22 Sound off in the comments. It's a little bullet with a decent velocity, but will it actually fill the freezer? Not much difference really. The New York Trigger as it became known had an 8-pound trigger pull. Jordan has taught marksmanship, woodsmanship, and self-defense classes. Someone who wants to spend a couple thou on a gun should be more than willing to put the energy into learning how to use it safely. Certified Glock Armorer, Colt Armorer, FN Armorer, Beretta Armorer, Smith and Wesson revolvers Armorer. . SOME of these guns (Ruger, Rough Rider, IWI, Freedom Arms, Linebaugh) have transfer bar safeties and thus can be carried fully loaded. When the fight starts, ejecting a live round onto the ground, or hearing the click of a empty chamber, will just mess up your day, maybe your last day. The M&P Shield is a popular and commonplace pistol for concealed carry. Carry chambered ever since. Safety rule number 1 a gun is always loaded. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. Your taste is in your ass., Your brains (what little you have) are in your ass. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'guntradition_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');I, as well as others, have tested and tried to get the Safe Action System, to fail but without actually modifying parts, we havent been able to. Made up a little fixture to hold the gun on a piece of pipe, stood up on a ladder and let the gun fall onto its muzzle. Always eith one in the chamber, hammer down and safety off. As the saying goes, you do you. Back in the old days of guns, they didnt really have any safety at all. Ive been carrying mine daily for five years and will continue to carry it as long as I can. Usually I just get to see Colt SAAs with 16 chamber cylinders. Ugggghhhhhh why are we still talking about this? One in the chamber is NOT ALWAYS the best option. When the term "loaded" means a round in the chamber and you need to carry, either open carry or concealed, with an unloaded gun, training to be faster with your draw will be very important. I carry a Glock 21 with a round in the chamber I constantly handle the gun to keep excellent muscle memory if you dont want to have the gun fire dont touch trigger. I now have a Walther P99 (OK, Im a Walther fan). We can put a bullet thru the eye of a bunny sitting still but its hard to get a head shot when its running, us being the bunny. I have no problem carrying chambered but around the house or at the park I do not. If waking up to a noise or shadow, I want the piece in my hand as simply and easily as possible, meaning it lays in the headboard. I am at a point in my life that I seem to lose a bit more of something every day and way I see it , I can actually admit to myself that I dont totally trust me without that little conscience click of the safety anymore . I carry "Mexican" and don't want to end up like Plaxico Burress. Lol. Carrying any weapon with nothing in the chamber is carrying an unloaded weapon. Bear in mind that all Glock pistols are striker fired and are have no manual safeties. *, Keep your damn finger out of the trigger guard until your sights are on a target you intend to shoot and you should be training to do that automatically *even* while under stress. - I'm too old to still think I know everything. Almost as good as a ball peen hammer. I have yet to find a dumb ass vaccine. Note, the sentry safe does have a security vulerablity that can be mitigated by covering a hole with stainless steel tape. Ho Hum, Well written Congratulations. YouTube it. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. So Move. The reason that the Israelis carry with an empty chamber is because Israel does not have a concept of self defense. It completely wraps the pistol in hard plastic so there is no chance of anything flexing into the trigger guard. I have no worries about the gun going off when holstering it or even worse going off by itself while in the holster as many Glocks have done when a fold of the holster got snagged inside the trigger guard. One near each upstairs door and one near the basement door. and you can have a hammer strap optioned for anything with a hammer except dao. You could also chamber a snap cap, holster it, do your daily routine around the house and then check if trigger was pulled. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six?? This debate has been going on for years.. which side are you on? With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. He also runs his own Gun Blog and YouTube Channel. Barnum should have said, There is a Moron born every minute so I guess I will have to say it for him. Do not get me wrong here as training is vital, that said the real problem is you cant cure stupid, Murphy, or brain farts! It would be as if a round was pushed into the ground, primer up, and then a firing pin dropped from a height, point down, directly into the primer. These are: 1. They are built using the patented Safe Action System which prevents unintentional firing. To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. If the slide goes back far enough to be out of battery, then the gun will just fire out of battery. This should convince you that your glock is safe to carry chamber loaded and you won't have to worry about blowing your 'nads off. A 2A focused forum that patronizes a troll like VLAD is as questionable as the NRA in its current form. I made a folder called TTAG comments, and put all pages Ive commented on in there. I have these 2 hidden and had mounted in my house. And so easy to correct. The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have become very popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. Seems more in line with your abilities. The Glock 19 is one of the most popular models of Glock that is available on the market. Each brand-new model enhanced the pistol and its functions. Maybe I counted wrong? You learned something. Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Thanks for the tip. Yes, you're being silly. It's not like TV where you always have time to rack a slide. Absolutely. Usually for at least an hour or so. Or some jackass was pocket carrying his G43 without a holster and something snagged the trigger. But unlike the Shield Plus, the Equalizerlike the Shield EZis a single-action as opposed to striker-fired pistol. Carrying this way isn't for everybody though. Guess what? Uberti, for instance, makes some models with a transfer bar safety and also a few with a floating firing pin, which drops below the channel to the primer when the hammer is fully forward and can thus be carried fully loaded. The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. I have no issue using any of my Glocks as a SD gun, nor do I have any issue using any of my 1911s, any of my revolvers, or any of my other guns. Well, now, lets analyze this a bit deeper, shall we? Why You Should Keep One Bullet in the Chamber. I dont understand why anyone who carries a modern firearm is afraid to carry a round in the chamber??? Even in that highly unlikely scenario, the gun would likely kill them anyway, even without going off, by blunt trauma alone. A 1911 or single-action pistol in Condition 1 is comparable to a striker-fired, safe-action pistol, like a Glock, which is always in a semi-cocked condition when a round is in the chamber anyway. But if the gun has to be pointing at the ground for the problem to occur, then how big a problem can it be? You'll want to train yourself one way or the other. After a few years of working on them self-taught, I finally . This Glock pistol does have a super-slim . If you did not realize the design is dangerous, you would not have spent so much time belaboring the obvious. In reality, the 1911 with only the grip safety would be as safe or safer than the Glock. BTW.. Glocks have a 5.5lbs trigger pull so I doubt it will discharge from your love handle rubbing on it. Nope. A great capability, because a dud round will usually fire upon a second strike, and your finger is going to automatically do that anyway. Good luck!!!!! It may be injured or busy striking or holding back children, etc. Boy, that must be realllll nice. Perhaps if someone drops their gun from two stories up and it lands muzzle down on somebodys head? Carry it in your home in the holster you're going to use in public, without a round in the chamber, but with the striker in the ready position or "cocked" and see if you have an issue with the trigger being pulled. which for them is unwise because it feels utterly unsafe to do so Again, carrying with an empty chamber isnt wrong, but it just isnt quite right. If you were to compile a list of incidents of the GLOCK ND and start reading through them, youll find that in virtually every single instance, human error was the culprit. Is really shouldnt be that hard. I have four. And my Glock 17. There is at least one fully loaded firearm in every room of my house and my shop. Old school, extract, thumb, trigger finger, rinse n repeat often until autopilot takes over. De nada. As stated above, Glocks are safe. My AR is half loaded with the mag in but unchambered. Many firearms enthusiasts and experts consider it to be the most effective and efficient way to carry a handgun for self-defense. Ive committed all those errors and I grew from them. If youre going to pocket carry, get a pocket holster. In the absence of further information, which is never forthcoming, the logical conclusion is: They dont want to fix it. Being a klutz is one thing. Carrying a single-action pistol cocked-and-locked is far and away the best method of carry. Its your right to self defense. Just not for me. Is it just something one has to get used to? 1; 2; Next. The hammer snagged on a branch, and he shot his horse (he was twisted by the tree). THAT is a significant, even dangerous, error to be stating as fact. Yet, most of us will also admit that we sometimes make mistakes while driving, despite all the practice/training. You do what you gotta do or are allowed to do. If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. Modern shooter often often dont want to fiddle with something complex. In non service activities, all occurred either nearly cheek to cheek, face to face, or less than 3 ft. when chit went south, and it happens so fast, Id bet few if any pro operators could rack then stack em The 223/5.56 is the most common centerfire rifle cartridge in the US. Call us at (586) 333-4240, and we'll guide you through the process of choosing a holster to suit your needs. Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." And we all make mistakes. If all you do at the range is stand there at the bench, pick up your gun, lock the slide, insert the magazine, and press the slide stop to send the slide forward, then get on target to shoot, you're not training yourself right. As for me on striker fired Im sure they are just as safe as any other design I just like to see whats going on, . Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. Not having a bullet in the chamber would make a discharge in the holster impossible. There are some days (summer, mostly) when I carry the Walther PK380. The gun is DA/SA, so the first shot is a long pull on the trigger, but I routinely practice it, so Im OK with it. Victoria: I did find a workaround though. You hit the nail on the head with "comfortable", but that is subjective. Firearm experts, including myself, consider the design completely safe and dependable. He thinks one big long post thats all one sentence is not a mistake. Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. OthersI just didnt think about and for some pretty good reasons. says: How often do you train your driving abilities?. I feel its foolish but its my thought. Im not interested in Israeli carry of a firearm. A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. Ive dropped a loaded Glock once, actually the only pistol Ive ever dropped in my life. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. I usually carry chambered with a revolver or my .25 but the trigger on my new Glock 19 is so easy I am not yet comfortable carrying chambered because there is no manual safety. (Some chance remains, of course, given extraordinary circumstances that can be described but have statistically no chance of happening.). The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have actually ended up being popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. Big thing, its hammer fired and its also DA/SA, so I have no problem with chambering a round and lowering the hammer. Must not be working on it very hard. These arent exactly the most concealable guns out there. So, us non-glockentines keep a low pro on discussing polymers and plastics, but if I had to go to war tomorrow, you can it would be an all steel weapon. The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. There is one thing very different between handling a car and handling a weapon a 4000 pound vehicle traveling at 62mph carries over half a million foot pound of energy vs ~350ft/lbs out of your little 9mm or .45 pea shooter. In a holster made for the gun you carry, making sure its unobstructed is a quick check. . The Glock series of semi-automatic pistols features Glock's Safe Action System and a loaded chamber indicator.The Safe Action System comprises three passive safeties. But youll likely carry for years and years, manipulating said weapon an uncountable number of times in the process. Because it has no external safety that means you are only 5 lbs away from making the gun fire. The guns must of been 1911s or Browning HPs or similar SA only. Just go to there web site, or go to your gun store for more information. One could write an entire book about just the intricacies of revolver internals, but no one would buy it, now that most dont even know what revolvers are. Also thank goodness I dont even have to make THAT choice. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. Many people think walking around with a loaded gun is dangerous, irresponsible, and paranoid. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. To chamber or not to chamber? So the trigger pull is utterly irrelevant *if* you are paying attention to your firearm which you should be doing, again, with *any* firearm. ended up in the guys nostril, and he still didnt get quiet, until he heard the cocking of the hammer. I learned to drive on the streets of San Francisco with a van as a teenager when my mom wanted me to drive her around. Ron DeSantis Says He Supports Adding Open Carry to Floridas Permitless Carry Bill, Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New Yorks Law Banning Carrying Guns in Sensitive Places, Judge Robert L. Miller: Its an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didnt Expect Gun Control in Future Generations,,, . No thanks. Every day. 1. Consider this, if everyone carried a weapon in condition 3, how many mass shootings would there be? Just old school geeze, too used to doing the hard chit the same way, but it worked for me. The Springfield Armory XD-E is a new hammer-fired compact pistol. Some of these points were deliberately avoided for reasons Ill get into. Well, technically, you could also just not drop them I suppose. It worked before. After all, this aint Dodge City and you aint Bill Hickok. So the only downside of the top chamber being empty is one less round available before reloading. Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. While the bad guy is picking up the decoy gun and trying to shoot you with it, you draw your real piece with a round loaded.

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