100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do

7. (103) Have discussions and express Bible based viewpoints that contradict the organizations beliefs. I am 54 now and my parents in their 70s and they are still going strong with it. That's why blood transfusions aren't allowed. 100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do. but what about the other things i just pointed out? Don't Allow The Witnesses To Bring Up Multiple Issues And Get You Sidetracked. I chose to be a witness after studying a long time and gradually understanding the reasons to follow the bible and how it would benefit my life-yet it is NOT EASY and one cannot be brainwashed-they choose w/free will to adhere to anything they decide for themselves is bible truth that will benefit them and others. There is no physical punishment associated with being a Witness. EXCLUSIVE: GTBank UK MD-CEO Gbenga Alade Weds DAED Empire Launches Record Label & Fashion Family, Staff & Friends Set To Celebrate No Accreditation, No Voting In Kogi, Bayelsa Polls INEC. Some of the things they say around other people embarasses me, because everything they are taught is by the Society, and just a group of old men that dont know shit about shit. Jehovahs Witness women are not allowed to: Jehovahs Witnesses are directed that they will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves. Especially since everyone around us was a Jehovah's Witness. The video states that only those instances in the Bible where a specific number was given are included. This date is said to also mark when the Last Days began. In most cases, this comes in the form of a judicial hearing, likely to end in disfellowshipping, where the offenders family will be required to shun them and cut them off. In fact, there is a requirement to confess any transgression committed by yourself or others to the elders. By that I mean the actions and message of Jesus dont seem to follow on from the books in the O.T., apart from the prophesy of a Messiah. In no place does the Bible state that God prohibits cremation. it was also at the district conventions too. My mom said that Mormons are Devil Worshippers and I had to correct her because Mormons are Mormons and Devil Worshippers are Satanists. For this reason, Jehovah's Witnesses do not drink alcohol in any . (just copy paste it and change the ones that AREN'T true to bold/another color), 101 Things Jehovahs Witness Cannot Do List, Celebrate Mother's DayCelebrate Father's DayCelebrate Grandparent's DayCelebrate BirthdaysCelebrate ThanksgivingCelebrate New Year's Eve or DayCelebrate ChristmasCelebrate HalloweenCelebrate EasterCelebrate Flag DayCelebrate Independence Day (Fourth of July)Celebrate HanukkahCelebrate St. Patrick's DayCelebrate Valentine's DayCelebrate "Any" HolidaySing any Holiday SongsEat Turkey on ThanksgivingCreate Holiday artwork in schoolJoin the Boy ScoutsJoin the Girl ScoutsBuy Girl Scout CookiesBecome a CheerleaderAttend class reunions (No "Worldly" association)Go to the school promPlay School Sports (No competition allowed)Play Professional SportsJoin any organization that has ties to ChristianityShop at the Salvation ArmyVolunteer for the Salvation ArmyDonate to Relief Organizations like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Charities and moreShop at Church run thrift storesShop at Church Garage SalesShop at any Store that has Christian tiesContribute to the Red CrossAttend a Church SchoolJoin the YMCAJoin the MilitaryBecome a Police OfficerAttend Alcoholics AnonymousHave any job with a gunStrike against a CompanySalute the FlagCan't Stand at Public Events while others are Standing to salute the FlagSing the National AnthemGo to WarWear Clothing Associated with War; e.g. They are right about some things but MOST they got it all wrong and it is listed in the book of cults. I told him she stands for goodness and kindness ,what dont you like? Yet their God is guilty of committing, ordering and/or condoning all the above behaviors. They were viewed and worshipped as gods because of their superior technology and knowledge. Here are the 140 things Jehovah Witnesses cant do: JEHOVAH WITNESSES CANT: (1) Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. He said He would raise His very body. 2 Does it say you cant cuss in the Bible? This radical man rejected the truth that theres hellfire and that it is a place of eternal torment. Except for spankings. Satan was not even thought of as Satan as we think of him until the NT. Celebrate New Year's Eve or . There is no specific teaching in the Bible that prohibits this celebration. In the OT Jehovah was a warrior God. However, the movement has some very stringent rules the members have to adhere to. Read books, newspaper, magazines, publications, or any other literature from other religions. Joining the armed forces means youll take life when circumstances warrant and as such, joining the armed forces is prohibited in Jehovah witness. Why does voltage decrease when current increases? As Jehovah's Witnesses the family has switched to methods such as letter writing to connect to others as knocking on doors is no longer an option during COVID-19 pandemic. He changed that as well as the original Sabbath Saturday to the now popular Sunday the first day of the week named after the SUN GOD!!! The world that we all live in. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The OT is basically a copy of the Sumerian Tablets that were written thousands of years before the Hebrew Scriptures. It should say, 'the Word was God-like or a god or a great prophet, a great angel, and then God used him for great things,'" you can know that's not true just because of John 1:3 . Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. It is also against the teaching of the Jehovah witness for its believers to have non-believers as best friend or a close buddy. The majority of the above-listed offenses are subject to disciplinary action. They say Jesus was a profit like John the baptist. Employment in any position where you need to be armed. Eat anything that contains blood products, such as black pudding. They work part time at a local shop. Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Jehovahs Witnesses do not observe holidays they believe to have pagan origins, such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays. It is correct that the letter J doesnt exist in Hebrew. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. 8:4; James 2:19 ), it is also true that three persons are called God in . I cant see the logic of how Im attired makes any difference to God or my wish to know more about a religious group with the possibility of being a member. That sound doesnt exist in Hebrew or Greek. Jehovahs Witnesses report friends and family members breaking the rules. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. So it's likely that the first person you choose to date will be . In the New World Translation, John 1:1 reads: "In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.". The reason the people died was not because they were not Jewish but because there was uncontrolled and unfathomable sin. Attend other church services or worship, or sing any other religious songs. pierre gagnaire restaurant paris / harry potter lego nintendo switch walkthrough / 100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do. Worse yet, my other sibling broke nearly every single rule but was never subjected to the horror they put my brother through. I would like to add (as a defector and still Christian), many items on the list are abstained by many Christian churches. "Pardon me for intruding on your precious time, but I just can't help letting you know how much I appreciate the phonograph which came to me on the morning after the 8th, which was my 80th birthday. (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. That was changed by the emperor Constantine. Is the Jehovahs Witness version of the Bible true? Chances are they will include such behaviors as murder and genocide, animal and human sacrifice, torture, child abuse, animal abuse, theft, slavery, rape, incest, cannibalism, betrayal and lying. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Bible says MAN WILL FAIL YOU, BUT GOD WILL NEVER FAIL YOU!!! The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Dealing with the bullying at school that accompanied with being a Witness. It is not the job of the concordance to judge whether a translation is correct or not. Yes the brainwashing is incredible. In Exodus 34:6 Moses asked the same thing and God showed him an incredible thing. However, we have good reasons to believe the body that died on the cross is the same body that rose three days later, leaving an empty tomb. Wear pants at a meeting if youre a woman, Spend the night in the same house with a person of the opposite sex, Passion-arousing heavy petting or caressing of breasts, will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves, Jehovahs Witnesses were systematically massacred because their organization did not allow them to purchase a card indicating endorsement of the Malawi Congress Party, A list of Jehovahs Witness Rules You wont Believe Are Real, Did Jerusalem Fall in 607BC or 587BC? Someday the evil of willful ignorance and self-righteousness of people like you will be eliminated and then we can save mankind. Updated on October 15, 2019. Its frustrating to feel like you want answers and they dont come. ok,,so this extensive list above is not explaining bible principles behind them and a lot of things are left up to witnesses to decide as they choose to follow the bible and are feeling/thinking it is a good protection or higher wisdom If you dont think their brainwashed, how are you viewed if you didnt get the Jab? Jehovah's Witnesses are organized hierarchically, [1] and are led by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watch Tower Society 's headquarters in Warwick, New York. Also, Jobs children didnt come back at the end of the book. The Holy Spirit is the name of God's active force in the world. 15. If you can somehow get your friend out, do it. Can I post a list of 101 Things Astrid Likes to Do When She is Bored? Sorry for the ramble, but I have spent a lifetime trying to make sense of the Bible, and I cant. But first, let's define Jehovah's Witnesses and learn a little about their history. In as much as you called yourself a true believer and follow of Jehovah witness, you cant disagree with other peoples doctrine. Typically, Jehovahs Witnesses sing three songs at their meetings for worship. (124) Believe in good luck or say things such as Good luck to you. Having look at the history of Jehovah witness and what led to their controversial believe, weve compiled 25 things its believers are not allowed to do. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Why do you think that the comment section is for d. We were asking your stand on those things listed. Its practically against their doctrines. Celebrate Thanksgiving. They believe that blood is sacrosanct and should not be donated for any reason. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". As a Jehovah witness practitioner, even if you believe that most of the organizations doctrine are radical and inappropriate, you are obliged to speak in agreement. 2.Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. i would also like to discuss though. The title says it all. 10 Questions You Always Wanted to Ask a Jehovah's Witness. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But whatever the case may be, the above mentioned are the top 25 things Jehovah witnesses cant do. Homosexuality is not acceptable. Witnesses believe in Heaven, but do not believe in Hell. You shall not lie, but you may refrain from telling the truth to those Jehovah's Witnesses deem do not deserve it. What can you not do as a Jehovah Witness? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people, a number found in Revelation chapters 7 and 14, will go to heaven to be kings and priests with Jesus Christ. And one other thing, the Book of Revelation is anything but! The English translation is irrelevant. feels very nice once you get used to it but it hurts at first. That should be red flag to government.". Women cannot assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. "It's just hard to say if or when that can happen again . 22. Apply for a divorce without proving to the elders that their spouse is guilty of adultery. Since 1976, practices have also been based on decisions made at closed meetings of the . 1.Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Members of the group are expected to be raped, tortured, and murdered before using a weapon for self-defense. The denomination dont want its believers faith to be shaken. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". Question or reject any Jehovahs Witness teachings or beliefs. (JWs are appointed and invited to be leaders. Pursue friendships with anyone who is not a Jehovahs Witness. The Bible writers try to smash the two together. In fact, I was encouraged to spank my own children. so that's your response? Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to celebrate birthdays and holidays such as Christmas or Easter. According to research, Jehovah witness believed that participating in politics is a practice of the devil. JESUS was NOT born on Dec. 25th. Donating blood is against the tenants of JW. Having an affair with a non-Jehovah witness may influence their faith and as such, the religion faithful are barred from going out with their non religion faithful. Fear of judgment or reprisals from your peers or guilt by not following the FFDS which is directed by Jehovah, disappointment from Almighty God. Now days its probably autopay. Go against the organizations doctrines. She was convinced she'd lost me and that I'd be changed for ever now, no longer the daughter she'd always loved and cherished. Overeating is supposedly a sin according to their Bible but is rarely disciplined, despite obesity being common among the group. Unlike many other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is not just the death of the physical body but also the death of the soul. In the O..T. YHVH killed 2,476,633 people NOT including the FLOOD-where he CLAIMED to kill everything that draweth breath OR Sodom and Gomorrah. Participate in any interfaith activities, such as social events or fundraisers sponsored by another church. 101 Things Jehovahs Witness Cannot Do List. They teach and explain that Jesus was created by the God Almighty and as such, he cannot coexist or be Him. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some of them were counted illegal in many states until recently. It is also not allowed for Jehovah witness believers to pierce their body regardless of the sex. Read the elders manual (Shepherd the Flock of God), or any internal elders letters. . In the NT it was about love and tolerance. 5 Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? In this video, we will look at 15 things Jehovah's Witness Women do not want you to know.There are a lot of rules and restrictions that Jehovah's Witnesses h. Betting and gambling are practice of the Satan. Dating is only allowed with the intention to get married and only allowed when the person is of legal age, referred to by Jehovahs Witnesses as the bloom of youth.. This article summarizes our basic beliefs. Twin girls with JW parents/family graduated from h.s. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. "Overseers of Jehovah's People", an article in the group's publication called the Watchtower . You cant be Jehovah witness by name and not in practice. According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, the faith has more than 138,000 members in the UK, and more than eight million internationally. Like, if there are 2 plain cereal pieces, I have to have 2 marshmallows. What is going on with them? It contains deliberate changes to many verses of Scripture. However, its against the doctrine of the Jehovah witness to worship Jesus as God. Clothing and attire are regulated at meetings and conventions and in the individuals personal life. Most especially where a gun is required of you to be handled, becoming a police officer is also part of those things Jehovah witnesses cant do. The result is that you look like an asshole every time someone sneezes as you just sit there staring at them blankly. In 2017, Russia banned the denomination, whose members believe in nonviolence and refuse to take up arms in war; Russia . I attended a few J. W. meetings that are held during the week but not a Sunday worship one. Join or volunteer at any other charitable organization such as the Red Cross, the Lions Club, the Salvation Army, etc. Here's a list of some that immediately spring to mind, this list is not exhaustive - the. It was written over thousands of years by people who believed different things. Some are biblical, but MOST are not. See Dress Code, (97) Wear pants at a Kingdom Hall if youre a woman, (98) Wear revealing clothes or skirts that are too short (looked down upon), (99) Wear long hair or facial hair if youre a man (depends on the local customs of the country you live in). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. I was very young when I was encouraged to get married and have children so Im afraid to say I followed that advice for a while. Stop attending door-to-door service or meetings. That can include limiting comments on Quora. As rigid as these rules may seem, the true and faithful Jehovah Witness members are sticking to them to the last letter. Jehovah's Witnesses often talk about John 1:1 and . 2. It is the duty of all Jehovah witnesses to report any act of insurbordination to the governing body. Witnesses hold a number of traditional Christian views but also many that are unique to them. : Attend College (The Society has lightened up on this somewhat, but if you attend you are not putting Kingdom interests first, and will be judged.) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Trinity is unbiblical because the word is not in the Bible and because the Bible emphasizes that there is one God. 10. They are crazy and make no sense. The reason behind this is that, Jehovah witness believed that their blood is clean and should not be mixed with that of the non-believers. This prohibition is as a result of the fear of being influenced. I have met that type before. Practice yoga or attend meditation classes. (63) Get divorced unless the reason is adultery, (64) Cant remarry unless their ex commits fornication first. When I attended those meetings. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? One of the reasons why JW prohibited its believers from joining the police force where gun handling is required is because of their believe against taking someones life. Thankfully I came to my senses and realized that hitting children should never be acceptable. But before then, you will agree with me that the Jehovah witness also believe in Christ which made them to be Christian. Please check back in a few days. : Attend College (The Society has lightened up on this somewhat, but if you attend you are not putting Kingdom interests first, and will be judged. EVERYTHING. In the beginning, Jehovah Witness is often regarded as an Adventist movement and it emerged around the predictions of William Miller in 1830s. Numb to birthdays and holidays. My experience has been when I have asked and keep asking like my life depended on it, He answered! ", "Wish me Luck", "I was Lucky" or "You were Lucky"Tell ghost storiesPractice YogaOwn a SmurfEat Lucky Charms Cereal (References to Magical)Throw a penny into a wishing wellRead HoroscopesPromote anything SuperstitiousHave wind charms because they represent a pagan symbol for scaring away demonsWatch TV shows, "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch", "Touched by an Angel", or "Bewitched"Say "It was fate" or mention anything to do with "fate"Engage in any risky acts such as: Sky Diving, Bungie Jumping & Hang GlidingHave Jesus as your Mediator and SaviorCan't partake in the Memorial of Jesus' death, by eating the unleavened bread or drinking the wine; only allowed if you are from the elite group of the 144,000A woman can't hold a position of responsibility in the congregationWear or own a CrossAttend another Church (Spiritual Fornication)Associate on a regular basis with nonbelieversAssociate with ex-membersAssociate with disfellowshipped onesTalk with disfellowshipped onesSue another Jehovah's WitnessMarry a nonbeliever (If you do, you are judged hard by the congregation)Marry in another Church or attend a wedding in another ChurchHave a funeral in another Church or attend a funeral in another ChurchPray, including holding your head down, when a nonbeliever praysStudy other religious articles not from the SocietyRead negative information about the SocietyQuestion the Watchtower Society on anythingExercise your on conscience if it goes against the religionQuestion the Society or the OrganizationHave Christian freedomIf you are a woman you can't pray aloud in the presence of men, without a covering on your headIf you are sick and need alternative medical help you can't get illegal medicines from another countryBecome a Jehovah's Witness and you shouldn't.. if you do you will be looked down uponDiscuss politicsSurf too much on the InternetAttend social functions organized by your place of workAssociate with worldly neighborsAttend College (The Society has lightened up on this somewhat, but if you attend you are not putting Kingdom interests first, and will be judged. Dating was always a challenge, much less explaining to my wife about my upbringing. (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. They can't salute the flag because they believe patriotic feelings towards their own country is wrong. Premise on this, all other JW believers must not associate with any disfellowshipped Jehovah member again. My immediate family were all baptized, I was the only one who was not. Slightly concerned at Jevovahs being cool with the sexual abuse of children but not with me rubbing my tug? Further changes to the doctrine of Jehovah witness led to the prohibition of blood donation and transfusions by its members, abandonment of the cross, rejection of Christmas celebrations, etc. 2. Today, were going to discuss most of the things Jehovah witnesses cant do and why they are being refrained from doing so. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that all Bible believing Christians are spiritually lost and deceived except for the Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society. In the wake of this, Jehovah witness barred it believers from attending other Christian churches for whatever reason. Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Since jehovahs witnesses cannot celebrate holidays , like 4th of July, would it be permissible for them to take an empty hot dog or hamburger bun and fill it with the ass gravy of the governing body and eat that ?

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