full resolution correspondence learning for image translation

Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Rongliang Wu, Kaiwen Cui, Aoran Xiao, Shijian Lu, Ling Shao. [Github] [PDF]. [Github] [PDF], UNIT: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Networks. Content provided by Bo Zhang, the co-author of the paper Cross-domain Correspondence Learning for Exemplar-based Image Translation. performs considerably better than state-of-the-arts on producing CouncilGAN: Breaking The Cycle: Colleagues Are All You Need. Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Adversarial Consistency Loss. [PDF] [Github] Thank you and wish you success in your scientific research! Cross-Granularity Learning for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation. Wanfeng Zheng, Qiang Li, Guoxin Zhang, Pengfei Wan, Zhongyuan Wang. SIGGRAPH 2022. Hanting Chen, Yunhe Wang, Han Shu, Changyuan Wen, Chunjing Xu, Boxin Shi, Chao Xu, Chang Xu. Yihao Zhao, Ruihai Wu, Hao Dong. [PDF] [Github], Image-to-Image Translation with Low Resolution Conditioning. We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. We use OpenPose to estimate pose of DeepFashion(HD). arxiv 2020. arxiv 2022. [PDF] Stop the war! The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. University of Science and Technology of China Abstract and Figures We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. Tianyang Shi, Zhengxia Zou, Yi Yuan, Changjie Fan. [PDF], Diffusion-based Image Translation using Disentangled Style and Content Representation. Lingke Kong, Chenyu Lian, Detian Huang, Zhenjiang Li, Yanle Hu, Qichao Zhou. InstaFormer: Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer. [PDF] Then run the following command. We use this model to calculate training loss. arxiv 2020. Vector Quantized Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [Unofficial] Dominik Rivoir, Micha Pfeiffer, Reuben Docea, Fiona Kolbinger, Carina Riediger, Jrgen Weitz, Stefanie Speidel. Qiusheng Huang, Xueqi Hu, Li Sun, Qingli Li. Jianxin Lin, Zhibo Chen, Yingce Xia, Sen Liu, Tao Qin, Jiebo Luo. [PDF] [Github], Single Image Texture Translation for Data Augmentation. Yi Wang, Ying-Cong Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun and Jiaya Jia. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. However the primary functions of a logistics officer are listed below: Carry out packing, crating, and warehousing, and storage duties in preparation for site-specific program and shipment. [PDF] Exploring Patch-Wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks. [PDF] [PDF] [Github], A Domain Gap Aware Generative AdversarialNetwork for Multi-domain Image Translation. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. author = {Zhou, Xingran and Zhang, Bo and Zhang, Ting and Zhang, Pan and Bao, Jianmin and Chen, Dong and Zhang, Zhongfei and Wen, Fang}, Runtao Liu, Qian Yu, Stella Yu. CVPR 2022 Workshop on AI for Content Creation (AICC 2022). Have in mind that things like what and when you publish will change the results you get. Elad Richardson, Yuval Alaluf, Or Patashnik, Yotam Nitzan, Yaniv Azar, Stav Shapiro, Daniel Cohen-Or. Lynton Ardizzone, Jakob Kruse, Carsten Lth, Niels Bracher, Carsten Rother, Ullrich Kthe. [PDF], Identity-Preserving Realistic Talking Face Generation. Yael Vinker, Eliahu Horwitz, Nir Zabari, Yedid Hoshen. CVPR 2021 Workshop. [PDF] [Project] [Github] Bibliographic details on CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. Move the models below the folder checkpoints/deepfashionHD. [PDF] [Github], DEEPSim: Deep Single Image Manipulation. [PDF], U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation. Zewei Sun, Shujian Huang, Hao-Ran Wei, Xin-yu Dai, Jiajun Chen. [PDF], DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation. arxiv 2021. 0. Ziyu Wan, Bo Zhang, Dongdong Chen, Pan Zhang, Dong Chen, Jing Liao, Fan Wen. I'm planning a future in-depth post with an image processing/deep learning expert, where we'll be getting into the weeds Attention-Aware Multi-Stroke Style Transfer. Note you need to download our train-val split lists train.txt and val.txt from this link in this step. ADGAN: Controllable Person Image Synthesis with Attribute-Decomposed GAN. arxiv 2022. [PDF] [PDF] [PDF][Project] [Unofficial] [PDF], C2-GAN: Cycle In Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Keypoint-Guided Image Generation. Hsin-Ying Lee, Hung-Yu Tseng, Qi Mao, Jia-Bin Huang, Yu-Ding Lu, Maneesh Singh, Ming-Hsuan Yang. In summary, this work aims to make two contributions: (1) Harnessing the Conditioning Sensorium for Improved Image Translation RL-CycleGAN: Reinforcement Learning Aware Simulation-To-Real. Unsupervised Image to Sequence Translation with Canvas-Drawer Networks. [PDF], Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. Linfeng Zhang, Xin Chen, Xiaobing Tu, Pengfei Wan, Ning Xu, Kaisheng Ma. Rui Liu, Yixiao Ge, Ching Lam Choi, Xiaogang Wang, Hongsheng Li. Mingcong Liu, Qiang Li, Zekui Qin, Guoxin Zhang, Pengfei Wan, Wen Zheng. Distilling Portable Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Translation. van der Ouderaa, Daniel E. Worrall. We use OpenPose to estimate pose of DeepFashion(HD). [PDF], Multi-Channel Attention Selection GANs for Guided Image-to-Image Translation. Chanyong Jung, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. Sai Bi, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Federico Perazzi, Eli Shechtman, Vladimir G. Kim, Ravi Ramamoorthi. Min Woo Kim, Nam Ik Cho. Wavelet Knowledge Distillation: Towards Efficient Image-to-Image Translation. [Project] [Github] [PDF], IcGAN: Invertible Conditional GANs for Image Editing. DINO: A Conditional Energy-Based GAN for Domain Translation. Oran Gafni, Lior Wolf. [PDF] [GitHub] [PDF], I2V-GAN: Unpaired Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation. [PDF], Bridging the Gap Between Paired and Unpaired Medical Image Translation. Rongliang Wu, Shijian Lu. by [PDF] [PDF] [Supplementary Materials] [Github] TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation. Ondej Jamrika, rka Sochorov, Ondej Texler, Michal Luk, Jakub Fier, Jingwan Lu, Eli Shechtman, Daniel Skora. In particular, configuration files for the Metfaces dataset would be appreciated, otherwise comparisons cannot be made. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. [PDF] [Project] [Github] [Data] CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. In this paper, we propose a multi-feature contrastive learning method. [PDF] Robin Rombach, Patrick Esser, Bjrn Ommer. We also thank SPADE and RAFT. [PDF], Contrastive Feature Loss for Image Prediction. [PDF], Gated SwitchGAN for multi-domain facial image translation. [PDF] [Project] [Github] Liqian Ma, Zhe Lin, Connelly Barnes, Alexei A. Efros, Jingwan Lu. AAAI 2019. arxiv 2022. Qi Mao, Hsin-Ying Lee, Hung-Yu Tseng, Jia-Bin Huang, Siwei Ma, Ming-Hsuan Yang. [PDF], A Novel Application of Image-to-Image Translation: Chromosome Straightening Framework by Learning from a Single Image. AAAI 2021. [PDF], Attention-Based Spatial Guidance for Image-to-Image Translation. Xinrui Wang and Jinze Yu. We offer the keypoints detection results used in our experiment in this link. We. Shaoan Xie, Qirong Ho, Kun Zhang. Within each Note that --dataroot parameter is your DeepFashionHD dataset root, e.g. CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation Xingran Zhou 1 * Bo Zhang 2 Ting Zhang 2 Pan Zhang 4 Jianmin Bao 2 Dong Chen 2 Zhongfei Zhang 3 Fang Wen 2 1 Zhejiang University 2 Microsoft Research Asia 3 Binghamton University 4 USTC Abstract We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. SHUNIT: Style Harmonization for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation. MICCI Workshop 2021. Ruizheng Wu, Xin Tao, Xiaodong Gu, Xiaoyong Shen, Jiaya Jia. [PDF][Github] (2021) Dagstuhl. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Liquid Warping GAN with Attention: A Unified Framework for Human Image Synthesis. ACM MM 2019. These CVPR 2021 papers are the Open Access versions, provided by the. [enforce fail at ..\caffe2\serialize\inline_container.cc:211] . arxiv 2021. [PDF], DiscoGAN: Learning to Discover Cross-Domain Relations with Generative Adversarial Networks. Yuda Song, Hui Qian, Xin Du. [PDF] Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Nicu Sebe, Yanzhi Wang, Jason J. Corso, Yan Yan. Ivan Anokhin, Pavel Solovev, Denis Korzhenkov, Alexey Kharlamov, Taras Khakhulin, Gleb Sterkin, Alexey Silvestrov, Sergey Nikolenko, Victor Lempitsky. Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Kaiwen Cui, Gongjie Zhang, Shijian Lu, Jianxiong Pan, Changgong Zhang, Feiying Ma, Xuansong Xie, Chunyan Miao. Image and Vision Computing 2020. [PDF] [Github], Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation using Latent Space Mapping. [PDF][Github] arxiv 2022. [PDF], Image to Image Translation for Domain Adaptation.. [PDF], DeepI2I: Enabling Deep Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation by Transferring from GANs. Hiroshi Sasaki, Chris G. Willcocks, Toby P. Breckon. python train. Harnessing the Conditioning Sensorium for Improved Image Translation. Textured Neural Avatars. IJCV 2019. Zhiwei Jia, Bodi Yuan, Kangkang Wang, Hong Wu, David Clifford, Zhiqiang Yuan, Hao Su. Xiaoming Yu, Yuanqi Chen, Shan Liu, Thomas Li, Ge Li. file in archive is not in a subdirectory archive/: latest_net_D.pth, net['netCorr'] = util.load_network(net['netCorr'], 'Corr', opt.which_epoch, opt). Experiments on diverse translation tasks show that CoCosNet v2 performs considerably better than state-of-the-art literature on producing high . You can find the script in data/preprocess.py. Phillip Isola, Jun-Yan Zhu, Tinghui Zhou, Alexei A. Efros. [pdf] [Supplement] Thiemo Alldieck, Gerard Pons-Moll, Christian Theobalt, Marcus Magnor. [PDF] [Github], GAIT: Gradient Adjusted Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. Python Awesome is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Xiaoyu Li, Bo Zhang, Jing Liao, Pedro V. Sander. [PDF] [Github], ZUNIT: Toward Zero-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. Run the following command for training from scratch. sinners in the hands of an angry god analysis worksheet / bacnet object types table / bacnet object types table At each hierarchy, the correspondence can be efficiently computed via PatchMatch that iteratively leverages the matchings from the neighborhood. Po-Wei Wu, Yu-Jing Lin, Che-Han Chang, Edward Y. Chang, Shih-Wei Liao. [PDF], Implicit Pairs for Boosting Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Kunhee Kim, Sanghun Park, Eunyeong Jeon, Taehun Kim, Daijin Kim. IJCV 2022. [PDF], EDIT: Exemplar-Domain Aware Image-to-Image Translation. (Deepfashion dataset) - "Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation" Informative Sample Mining Network for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [Github] por | Jun 14, 2022 | colorado school of mines track and field coaches | coaching inns 18th century | Jun 14, 2022 | colorado school of mines track and field coaches | coaching inns 18th century Junsoo Lee, Eungyeup Kim, Yunsung Lee, Dongjun Kim, Jaehyuk Chang, Jaegul Choo. [PDF] Utkarsh Ojha, Yijun Li, Jingwan Lu, Alexei A. Efros, Yong Jae Lee, Eli Shechtman, Richard Zhang. Yugang Chen, Muchun Chen, Chaoyue Song, Bingbing Ni. Fei Gao, Xingxin Xu, Jun Yu, Meimei Shang, Xiang Li, and Dacheng Tao. Deep CG2Real: Synthetic-to-Real Translation via Image Disentanglement. Somi Jeong, Youngjung Kim, Eungbean Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn. If the password is necessary, please contact this link to access the dataset. Image Translation, MIDMs: Matching Interleaved Diffusion Models for Exemplar-based Image We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. The codes and the pretrained model in this repository are under the MIT license as specified by the LICENSE file. Generating Diverse Translation by Manipulating Multi-Head Attention. Rui Gong, Dengxin Dai, Yuhua Chen, Wen Li, Luc Van Gool. Ibrahim Batuhan Akkaya, Ugur Halici. astros vs yankees cheating. Abstract: We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. [PDF], Image-to-Image Translation with Text Guidance. Cooper Nederhood, Nicholas Kolkin, Deqing Fu, Jason Salavon. Clova AI Research, NAVER Corp. GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs. You can set batchSize to 16, 8 or 4 with fewer GPUs and change gpu_ids. Local Image-to-Image Translation via Pixel-wise Highway Adaptive Instance Normalization. Pre-requisite conda cr, The Official PyTorch Implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision, DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision The PyTorch implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supe, Open source projects and samples from Microsoft, KeyError: 'dataset/deepfashionHD\\img\\MEN\\Denim\\id_00000089\\02_7_additional.jpg', Pretrained model "latest_net_netCorr.pth" corrupted. Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization using Augmented-Self Reference and Dense Semantic Correspondence. [PDF], Breaking the Dilemma of Medical Image-to-image Translation. arxiv 2020. [PDF] Zhiwei Jia, Bodi Yuan, Kangkang Wang, Hong Wu, David Clifford, Zhiqiang Yuan, Hao Su. arxiv 2021. CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation (CVPR 2021, oral presentation) CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation CVPR 2021, oral presentation Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, Fang Wen. ReMix: Towards Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data. Attentive Normalization for Conditional Image Generation. Jinsong Zhang, Kun Li, Yu-Kun Lai, Jingyu Yang. [PDF] The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. arxiv 2021. Download the pretrained VGG model from this link, move it to vgg/ folder. Detection. Samarth Shukla, Andrs Romero, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte. [PDF] Experiments on diverse translation tasks show that CoCosNet v2 performs considerably better than state-of-the-art literature on producing high-resolution images. Ming-Yu Liu, Thomas Breuel, Jan Kautz. Tycho F.A. Badour AlBahar, Jia-Bin Huang. Diagonal Attention and Style-based GAN for Content-Style Disentanglement in Image Generation and Translation. June 8, 2022 full resolution correspondence learning for image translation. A unique hashtag has the ability to make your message stand out, and. LPTN: High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network. What's the problem? SIGGRAPH 2022. Huiyuan Fu, Ting Yu, Xin Wang, Huadong Ma. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Palette: Image-to-Image Diffusion Models. At each hierarchy, the correspondence can be efficiently computed via PatchMatch that iteratively leverages the . Download them all and move below the folder data/. Mor Avi-Aharon, Assaf Arbelle, Tammy Riklin Raviv. Fast and Robust Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation. Jie Liang, Hui Zeng, Lei Zhang. [PDF] arxiv 2022. Explicitly Disentangling Image Content From Translation And Rotation With Spatial-VAE. [PDF][Github][Project] File "train.py", line 21, in Kanishka Rao, Chris Harris, Alex Irpan, Sergey Levine, Julian Ibarz, Mohi Khansari. [PDF] [Github] [Project], Preserving Semantic and Temporal Consistency for Unpaired Video-to-Video Translation. Tengfei Wang, Ting Zhang, Bo Zhang, Hao Ouyang, Dong Chen, Qifeng Chen, Fang Wen. Chen Gao, Si Liu, Ran He, Shuicheng Yan, Bo Li. WACV 2020. VR Facial Animation via Multiview Image Translation. Wen Liu, Zhixin Piao, Zhi Tu, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Shenghua Gao. Zhentao Tan, Menglei Chai, Dongdong Chen, Jing Liao, Qi Chu, Lu Yuan, Sergey Tulyakov, Nenghai Yu. Rui Zhang, Tomas Pfister, Jia Li. [Github] [PDF], Face-Age-cGAN: Face Aging With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. [PDF][Project][Github] Yang Chen, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Xinmei Tian, Tao Mei. Wenju Xu, Guanghui Wang. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Towards Automatic Face-to-Face Translation. The proposed GRU-assisted PatchMatch is fully differentiable and highly efficient. Arnab Ghosh, Richard Zhang, Puneet K. Dokania, Oliver Wang, Alexei A. Efros, Philip H. S. Torr, Eli Shechtman. Wei Xiong, Yutong He, Yixuan Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Jiebo Luo. ICCV Workshop 2021. 250cc dragon custom chopper Ruobing Zheng, Ze Luo, Baoping Yan. Shih-En Wei, Jason Saragih, Tomas Simon, Adam W. Harley, Stephen Lombardi, Michal Perdoch, Alexander Hypes, Dawei Wang, Hernan Badino, Yaser Sheikh. Multimodal Structure-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF], Deliberation Learning for Image-to-Image Translation. Mu Cai, Hong Zhang, Huijuan Huang, Qichuan Geng, Gao Huang. ForkGAN: Seeing into the Rainy Night. EG-UNIT: Exemplar Guided Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Semantic Consistency. File "/home/kas/CoCosNet-v2/data/init.py", line 33, in create_dataloader Ziwei Luo, Jing Hu, Xin Wang, Siwei Lyu, Bin Kong, Youbing Yin, Qi Song, Xi Wu. DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network. [PDF] In this paper, we address the problem of rain streaks removal in video by developing a self-learned rain streak removal method, which does not require any clean groundtruth images in the training process. Are you sure you want to create this branch? arxiv 2022. DiffusionCLIP: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Robust Image Manipulation. Download and unzip the results file. [PDF] [Github], GeneGAN: Learning Object Transfiguration and Attribute Subspace from Unpaired Data. [PDF] [Github] arixv 2020. Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Ting Zhang, Dong Chen, Fang Wen. Yueqin Yin, Lianghua Huang, Yu Liu, Kaiqi Huang. We use this model to calculate training loss. Multi-Curve Translator for High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation. Alex Andonian, Taesung Park, Bryan Russell, Phillip Isola, Jun-Yan Zhu, Richard Zhang. NeurIPS 2021. Model-Aware Gesture-to-Gesture Translation. [PDF] [Github], DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations. Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Nicu Sebe, Yan Yan. [PDF] BMVC 2021 (Oral). [PDF] contact dblp; Xingran Zhou et al. Unbalanced Feature Transport for Exemplar-based Image Translation. differentiable and highly efficient. Multi-Channel Attention Selection GAN With Cascaded Semantic Guidance for Cross-View Image Translation. Instance-wise Hard Negative Example Generation for Contrastive Learning in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Xinyang Li, Shengchuan Zhang, Jie Hu, Liujuan Cao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xudong Mao, Feiyue Huang, Yongjian Wu, Rongrong Ji. Within each PatchMatch iteration, the ConvGRU module is employed to refine the current correspondence considering not only the matchings of larger context but also the historic estimates. CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation [PDF] [GitHub] [Tensorflow] [AFHQ Data] Luigi Musto, Andrea Zinelli. arxiv 2022. [PDF], Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation. NICE: Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from the coarse level to guide the finer levels. Feedback and contributions are welcome! Since the original resolution of DeepfashionHD is 750x1101, we use a Python script to process the images to the resolution 512x512. Yuan Xue, Zihan Zhou, Xiaolei Huang. [PDF] [GitHub] We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. Siyuan Li, Semih Gnel, Mirela Ostrek, Pavan Ramdya, Pascal Fua, Helge Rhodin. [PDF], Complementary, Heterogeneous and Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation. SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization. RuntimeError: [enforce fail at C:\cb\pytorch_1000000000000\work\caffe2\serialize\inline_container.cc:231] . [PDF] [Github], AniGAN: Style-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Anime Face Generation. [PDF] [Github] [PDF], Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. translation. First please install dependencies for the experiment: We recommend to install Pytorch version after Pytorch 1.6.0 since we made use of automatic mixed precision for accelerating. [PDF] Dilara Gokay, Enis Simsar, Efehan Atici, Alper Ahmetoglu, Atif Emre Yuksel, Pinar Yanardag. TPAMI 2021. arxiv 2019. LGGAN: Local Class-Specific and Global Image-Level Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic-Guided Scene Generation. Yulun Zhang, Chen Fang, Yilin Wang, Zhaowen Wang, Zhe Lin, Yun Fu, Jimei Yang. [PDF], TriGAN: Image-to-Image Translation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation. World-Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis. Xuning Shao, Weidong Zhang. [PDF], ITTR: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Transformers. GANHopper: Multi-Hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [GIthub], Cross-Domain Cascaded Deep Feature Translation. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Dual Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. 0,00 full resolution correspondence learning for image translation . Shaoan Xie, Mingming Gong, Yanwu Xu, Kun Zhang. [PDF] Zeqi Li, Ruowei Jiang,, Parham Aarabi. arxiv 2020. arxiv 2020. pages = {11465-11475} Sangwoo Mo, Minsu Cho, Jinwoo Shin. Tycho F.A. Xinpeng Xie, Jiawei Chen, Yuexiang Li, Linlin Shen, Kai Ma, Yefeng Zheng. Nevertheless, finding a definition of what is aesthetic is not Model-based Occlusion Disentanglement for Image-to-image Translation. [Github], CrossNet: Latent Cross-Consistency for Unpaired Image Translation. Prasun Roy, Saumik Bhattacharya, Subhankar Ghosh, Umapada Pal. [PDF] [Github] ICML 2019. (we used Pytorch 1.7.0 in our experiments). WACV 2021. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Lipschitz Regularized CycleGAN for Improving Semantic Robustness in Unpaired Image-to-image Translation. Omry Sendik, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. Yiming Gao, Jiangqin Wu. Cross-Domain Cascaded Deep Feature Translation. We offer the keypoints detection results used in our experiment in this link. TIP 2021. [PDF], Unsupervised Multi-Modal Medical Image Registration via Discriminator-Free Image-to-Image Translation. Taesung Park, Alexei A. Efros, Richard Zhang, Jun-Yan Zhu. Yang Zhao, Changyou Chen. RIFT: Disentangled Unsupervised Image Translation via Restricted Information Flow. [PDF][Github][Project] Kyle Olszewski, Duygu Ceylan, Jun Xing, Jose Echevarria, Zhili Chen, Weikai Chen, Hao Li. ! CVPR 2018. [PDF] ICPR 2020. File "/home/kas/CoCosNet-v2/data/pix2pix_dataset.py", line 33, in initialize [PDF] [Github] Weichen Fan, Jinghuan Chen, Jiabin Ma, Jun Hou, Shuai Yi. file in archive is not in a subdirectory archive/: latest_net_D.pth, Traceback (most recent call last): [PDF] [Github], Separating Content and Style for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [GitHub] [PDF] [Project] [PDF] [Github] Yaxing Wang, Salman Khan, Abel Gonzalez-Garcia, Joost van de Weijer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan. STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network. Elad Richardson, Yuval Alaluf, Or Patashnik, Yotam Nitzan, Yaniv Azar, Stav Shapiro, Daniel Cohen-Or. Dina Bashkirova, Ben Usman, Kate Saenko. revolution racegear adelaide .

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