. The use of case-based simulation, although more complicated and time consuming for the instructor, immerses the students in the subject matter. One advantage to the animated lecture style is the ability to introduce treatment options in a methodically guided approach thats in conjunction with simultaneous environmental stimulus. Section snippets . DY{Qb"(EgN$QI*%XN1F""0a5 %PDF-1.5 Search for Similar Articles Trainee will be respectful to others and their views during the PBL session. If the patient has COPD and a history of CO2retention you should switch to aventuri maskas soon as possible andtitrate oxygen appropriately. We do not use passive visualizing materials such as videotapes or DVD other than vital signs shown on the monitors. Keyword Highlighting Insert the oropharyngeal airway in the upside-down position until you reach the junction of the hard and soft palate, at which point you should rotate it 180. Nandate, Koichiro MD, PhD; Abola, Ramon MD; Murray, W Bosseau MB; Whitfield, Carol PhD; Lang, Charles PhD; Sinz, Elizabeth MD. If the patient is suspected to have sufferedsignificanttraumawith potential spinal involvement, perform ajaw-thrustrather than a head-tilt chin-lift manoeuvre: 2. The students worked on the underlying physiology during a week long PBL session and are therefore familiar with the theoretical aspects of DKA. These are not learning objectives in this program. Capillary refill timemay be prolonged if the patient is hypovolaemic. Often, the learner group will be unaware of these behaviors, but the instructor can key into the first few comments made during the transition between rooms. Clearly communicate how often would you like the patients observations relayed to you by other staff members. COVID-19 Screening in the Pediatric Emergency Department. For instance, one of the questions is: Why is Tiffany dehydrated? There are several possible reasons and mechanisms (as outlined in Appendix B, fourth 15 minutes, Supplemental Digital Content 2, https://links.lww.com/SIH/A2), which the students can mention. In the meantime, you should re-assess and maintain the patients airway. The teaching of diabetic assessment and management, like many other medical emergencies, lends itself well to case-based simulation. Laschinger S, Medves J, Pulling C, et al. Rosens Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 2. The Pratcice Airway adjuncts are often helpful and in some cases essential to maintain a patients airway. Calculate the patients current fluid balance using their fluid balance chart (e.g. Virtual patient simulation (VPS) is an interactive computer simulation that recreates real-world scenarios with the objectives of training, education, and assessment for health care providers [].Virtual simulation has been used extensively to adapt nursing education to the COVID-19 pandemic context [], such as social distancing and/or confinement. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults. % If the patient is confused you might be able to get a collateral history from staff or family members as appropriate. As a next step, we will let one of the trainees talk to the patient, and prompt to ask medical questions such as previous medical issues or recent drug use for them to practice asking questions to generate a differential diagnosis (in this case, other causes for confusion). They should introduce the student group to the environment, assign roles for each learner and guide the decision-making process. Antibiotics should be prescribed in keeping with local guidelines. Trainee will be able to apply skills of communication with the simulated patient in a semiacute crisis to get sufficient important information for a final diagnosis. x]o ]?9kgq~:)?hE )R6!up}\<8||\]}Y~;xp~yQ$#4~djX&{n_m-]^K1/~/AD Hv 99evs,;8}8zwnhFxV.kf-V^? Trainee will recognize and interpret the clinical signs and symptoms and the typical history of a patient with DKA, as well as understand the major causative factors of DKA. Standardized patient as the voice of the simulator (or the simulation operator may play this role). 1. Topic: Abdominal TraumaTitle: Motorcycle CrashTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Adrenal CrisisTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Anaphylaxis In An InpatientTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Alison Rodger, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Bee Sting In An 8 Month OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: ApneaTitle: Drowning In A 3 Year OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: Asthmatic Protocol for EDTitle: Branching Scenario: 3 Treatment Routine ER - Pediatric PatientTargets: Emergency Department Staff and Respiratory Therapy StudentsAuthor / Instituation: Carl Rod, MS, RRT, RCP, Rose State College RT Clinical Simulation Labclick here to download, Topic: Atrial FibrillationTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download plus chart documents here, Topic: Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia from Digoxin ToxicityTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: BradicadiaTitle: Bradycardic Arrest - Carotid Sinus MassTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Cigarette FireTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Meth Lab Explosion Target: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Cardiac ArrestTarget: Inter-professional Team TrainingAuthor / Institution: Alim Nagji, Krista Dowhos / Joseph Brant Hospitalclick here to download, Topic: Chest and Abdominal TraumaTitle: Auto AccidentTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Mediating Conflict Title: Managing Family Members with Different Views Target: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Crohns FlareTitle: Complicated CrohnsTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Delirious, Combative / Violent Patient Management Title: DeliriumTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Delivering Bad NewsTitle: Delivering Bad News after a StrokeTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Difficult AirwayTitle: Ace Inhibitor AngioedemaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Difficult AirwayTitle: Difficult / Failed AirwayTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Disclosure of an Adverse EventTitle: Retained Guidewire from a Central LineTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: DKATarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath)Title: Acute Pulmonary Edema requiring intubationTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath)Title: Severe Asthma requiring intubationTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Electrical StormTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download plus chart documents here, Topic: Emergent Med-Surg ResponseTitle: MET/RRT ResponseTargets: Response Teams, House Staff and Respiratory Therapy StudentsAuthor / Instituation: Carl Rod, MS, RRT, RCP, Rose State College RT Clinical Simulation Labclick here to download, Topic: EtOH WithdrawalTitle: EtOH Withdrawal SiezureTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Febrile NeutropeniaTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Head TraumaTitle: Four Storey FallTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Head TraumaTitle: Hit by MotorboatTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: HypertensionTitle: Aortic DissectionTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: HypertensionTitle: Autonomic DysreflexiaTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Hypertensive EmergencyTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Hypertensive EmergencyTitle: Diastolic Danger Hypertensive Urgency / EmergencyTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Hailey Hobbs, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: HypoxiaTarget: Inter-professional Team TrainingAuthor / Institution: Devin Sydorclick here to download, Topic: Inferior StemiTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Labor and delivery, postpartum hemorrhageTitle: Normal Delivery with PPHTarget: Maternal - Child Course - Nursing EducationAuthor / Institution: Kelly McMunnclick here to download, Topic: PEA Arrest (pulseless electrical activity)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pelvic FractureTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Penetrating Thoracic TraumaTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTitle: Community Acquired PneumoniaTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Iain Arseneau, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pulmonary EmbolismTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Ruptured Ectopic PregnancyTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - Crohn's IntraabdominalTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - DKA and PneumoniaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - Febrile NeutropeniaTarget: Mid - Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Blunt Trauma Causing a High Spinal Cord Injury with Neurogenic ShockTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Hemorrhagic Shock in an Elderly Pedestrian stuck by a VehicleTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: ShockTitle: Penetrating Chest Trauma Causing Obstructive ShockTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Snake BiteTarget: ER residentsAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: Status AsthmaticusTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Unknownclick here to download, Topic: Status Epilepticus - Apnea Post-BenzodiazepinesTitle: Seven month old with Status EpilepticusTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Keith Gregoireclick here to download, Topic: StrokeTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Subdural Hemorrhage Title: SDH and DOACTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Syncope / TorsadesTitle: Syncope / Torsades in the setting of acquired prolonged QTTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Tasha Kulai, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Tachycardia Rapid AFTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxic Shock SyndromeTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Bupivicaine OverdoseTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Hydrofluoric Acid BurnsTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - OrganophosphatesTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper GastrointestinalI BleedTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingTitle: GI BleedTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Viral bronchiolitis in infants requiring intubationTitle: Apnea in the infant with RSV bronchiolitisTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Mike Storrclick here to download. *=NdL/c2XSJn8:I Jb8'.8>N*[L .hxw6afq40DX3c~>abt'Q,8y(BZu(vKBTufIR. As the name says, this screen is used to graph and plot any parameter. Discuss the patients current clinical condition with aseniorclinicianusing anSBARR style handover. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. For diabetic assessment involving DKA, staging may include the use of a container with a small amount of acetone placed near the manikin because many students may not know what acetone smells like but will expect to smell something. Two abstracts related to sleepiness in the EMS workforce were presented at the National Association of EMS Physicians symposium in January. Could we not just do this as a large group session to all 160 students (versus 20 1-hour sessions to groups of eight students)? Simulation Scenario for Anesthesia Providers Clark Obr, MD*, Anthony Mueller, MD . Askhow the patient is feeling as this may provide some useful information about their current symptoms. Invasive monitors, including a left radial intraarterial and a right subclavian IV catheter, were placed. DKA can be caused by either: Absolute insulin deficiency (e.g. Consider any precipitating factors for the development of DKA and involve the diabetes team in the patients care. Consider active re-warming techniques in patients with severe hypothermia. Properly interpret a venous blood gas (VBG) and basic metabolic panel in a patient presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis. opioids, sedatives, anxiolytics, insulin, oral hypoglycaemic medications). Margolis GS, Romer GA, Fernandez AR, et al. The validity of the HFS-DKA scenario was verified by a certified diabetes nurse educator, a registered nurse, and a clinical nurse educator. In the context of DKA, a patients consciousness level may be reduced. If you'd like to support us and get something great in return, check out our awesome products: You don't need to tell us which article this feedback relates to, as we automatically capture that information for you. This is a combination of the modified traditional lecture within scenario-based learning. 2010;49:578586. Inspect the urine currently in the catheter bag and note its appearance (e.g. Refer to your local guidelines which should provide a clear protocol for the management of DKA. Because of the early stage (first year) of their medical careers, they have not yet seen vital sign monitoring, or patients, so these clinical aspects are introduced and emphasized. Keywords: diabetic ketoacidosis, simulation, expertise, emergency medicine Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus, most commonly occurring in patients with type I diabetes. Competency-based medical education has seen widespread adoption in the field along with ongoing work in the areas of . Inspect for evidence of self-injection sites (e.g. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely on the content of these videos. Target Learner Groups A collection of free medical student quizzes to put your medical and surgical knowledge to the test! Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario With your index and other fingers placed behind the angle of the mandible, apply steady upwards and forward pressure to lift the mandible. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without A blood glucose level may already be available from earlier investigations (e.g. Initially, we had a white board available, but the temptation (and habits) were just too strong, and the simulator sessions tended to become one way lectures, rather than an interactive, 2 way discussion.. An oropharyngeal airway is a curved plastic tube with a flange on one end that sits between the tongue and hard palate to relieve soft palate obstruction. A pre-briefing session is conducted prior to the start of the simulation scenario. Revisit history taking to explore relevant medical history and identify any precipitating factors for DKA. Furthermore, we demonstrate and explain the basic parameters (ECG, SpO2, BP, capnography), using an interactive format of questions and answers, and encourage the group to observe the normal values. The trainees have had background knowledge of biochemistry because they had completed the PBL case. For example, if a student is to run a diabetic emergency in an extended living facility, the room should be staged with the appropriate bed, linens and medical equipment, and include personal artifacts and memorabilia normally found in such environments. The lecture allows for understanding of concepts prior to action, and instructor feedback is immediate. Lets discuss your options. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely on the content of these videos. The reason for inserting the airway upside down initially is to reduce the risk of pushing the tongue backwards and worsening airway obstruction. Review the patients drug chart for medications which may cause a reduced level of consciousness (e.g. This session provides additional clinical support material for the theoretical PBL session. An events progression section should include patient status changes, as well as a time/treatment continuum that incorporates if-then event progressions. Download: http://teamworkmatters.ocbmedia.com/media/DKA-Simulation-Scenario.docx Categories: 5th Year MBChB paeds scenario, Emergency Department, Human Factors, Interprofessional / multidisciplinary, Non-technical skills, Paediatrics, Postgraduate / newly qualified, Undergraduate / pre-registration Rating 3. Prehosp Emerg Care. cellulitis). Initially, we used a blood pressure cuff to generate the blood pressure values. Some error has occurred while processing your request. The learning objectives follow the American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Core Compentencies. Does the patient need a referral toHDU/ICU? Its best, however, to allow the student group to continue so theyre able to evaluate their decision-making processes during debriefing. Make sure thepatientsnotes,observationchartandprescriptionchartare easily accessible. The use of simulation-based instruction enables a student to learn at their own pace and allows them to repeat sequential steps to gain confidence and proficiency. oral fluids, intravenous fluids, urine output, drain output, stool output, vomiting) to inform resuscitation efforts. Int J Evid Based Healthc. Please write a single word answer in lowercase (this is an anti-spam measure). - Character 02:14 unilateral coarse crackles may be present if the patient has pneumonia which may have been the precipitant for DKA). If you have any scenarios you would be willing to share with the simulation community, please forward them to me. We do point out the blood pressure (BP) cuff, but these medical students in their first year do not really need to know how the BP values are generated, they need to understand the origin and therapy for the low blood pressure. Instructors should write a case study for the simulation before the session. Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. It involves working through the following steps: Each stage of the ABCDE approach involvesclinicalassessment,investigationsandinterventions. DONT FORGET these 3 key components of the cardiovascular exam for your upcoming OSCEs Save this video to watch later and dont forget to follow Geeky Medics! Terms of Use. There are several causes of DKA, which we remember by the "five I's". >> Fernandez AR, Mac Crawford J, Pennell ML, et al. A well-staged environment allows for greater student buy-in. Physician working in the emergency department. Heart: S1 and S2 within normal limits; no S3/S4 or murmurs, normal rate and rhythm. insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes), Altered consciousness (e.g. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The students are in their first year. Prior to starting the scenario, the instructor should introduce a short summary of the case study and ask open-ended questions regarding the management direction. Collectblood testsafter cannulating the patient including: An ECG should be performed to screen for cardiac pathology such as arrhythmias which may be precipitated by electrolyte abnormalities (e.g. Ask for anotherclinicalmemberofstafftoassistyou if possible. NPAs are typically better tolerated in patients who are partly or fully conscious compared to oropharyngeal airways. The patient was placed in the supine position and was a little confused as well as drowsy but at times had a good verbal response (Glasgow Coma Scale 15/15). Case-based education adds a real-world aspect to the learning environment. 5. www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics/prev/national/. The consequences (low blood pressure, high heart rate, central nervous system status, etc.) Patients with DKA require fluid resuscitation to restore circulatory volume, clear ketones, correct electrolyte abnormalities and increase renal perfusion. Cureus 9(5): e1286. }HyEf,#$/JSRU9+CF6k\'/z+i`[ 5JudK*Zly^g%[jCK)H[)Y=Qp0/r9o9HW_zF}pTzI~'|q.~:=Y T 9w! Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening illness which classically presents with polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia that can rapidly progress to severe dehydration and altered mental status from cerebral edema. If the patient has clinical signs ofanaphylaxis(e.g. PA EMT Said COVID Patient Didnt Need to Go to the Hospital. The files are given in full in the web supplement (Appendix B, Supplemental Digital Content 2, https://links.lww.com/SIH/A2). If the patientloses consciousnessand there areno signs of lifeon assessment, put out acrash callandcommence CPR. Below is a collection of donated scenarios for you to use or modify. Schneider Sarver PA, Senczakowicz EA, Slovensky BM. PBL in our institution is implemented as a small group (n 68 students) self study session with a facilitator, who incrementally discloses further information about the patient. Medical simulation technology is a powerful tool for training physicians but papers dealing with DKA simulators are scarce. See ourCXR interpretation guidefor more details. A collection of communication skills guides, for common OSCE scenarios, including history taking and information giving. Available from: [. - Geeky Medics OSCE App: https://geekymedics.com/geeky-medics-app/ type 1 diabetes) Complete insulin insensitivity (e.g. She does not take this regularly. The impetus for creating and implementing the high-fidelity diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) simulation was based on a needs assessment and reviewing of undergraduate nursing students' examination statistics in a second semester medical-surgical course. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/geekymedics Trigger 4, Pathway 1l of saline required over 1hour and insulin infusion need prescribing and making up in 50ml syringe. J Nurs Educ. Urinary tract infections are a common DKA precipitant. Environment & Manikin We give the history of the patient to the trainees. A hyperglycemic patient may present with tachypnea, which often presents as Kussmauls respirations, tachycardia, orthostatic blood pressure changes and other signs of dehydration and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). A patient presenting with altered level of consciousness and a blood sugar level below 80 mg/dL should be considered hypoglycemic, and treatment modalities should be consistent with those for a diabetic patient. Use an effectiveSBARR handoverto communicate the key information effectively to other medical staff. Circulating nurse in the emergency room (ER). TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@geekymedics Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our latest content: https://geekymedics.com/newsletter/ Clearlydocument your ABCDE assessment, including history, examination, observations, investigations, interventions, and the patients response. After entering the environment, the student doesnt have the option of leaving the simulation until the learning objectives and performance measures are achieved. LYqC+pJ&6X4onfBT#?=R}.p8N3+Dk,P4tIgWB}-L'=8;_G >,K#.e89XnG'B~NtR In keeping with the case study, as a treatment marker is reached, the instructor should place emphasis on physiological, pharmacological, environmental and psychosocial issues. If the patient isunconsciousorunresponsive, start thebasic life support(BLS)algorithmas per resuscitation guidelines. Typically potassium levels should be maintained between 4.0 5.5 mmol/L and close monitoring is required. Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening illness which classically presents with polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia that can rapidly progress to severe dehydration and altered mental status from cerebral edema. Insert at least onewide-bore intravenous cannula(14G or 16G) and take blood tests as discussed below. For example, you could develop a diabetic scenario in which the prehospital provider encounters an altered patient with incomprehensible speech. We combined both to indicate the continuity of the curriculum, and the building on prior knowledge. Simulation Scenario. This typically involves the use of anon-rebreathe maskwith an oxygen flow rate of15L. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.". Similar to a ward round, where the instructor would say: Come and listen to this patient with an aortic stenosis. Make sure tore-assessthe patient after anyintervention. The instructor can also gauge the direction the debriefing session should follow or be alerted to possible problems or conflicts in treatment opinions. stream Are any further assessments or interventions required? Scenarios. dq-]gX4 `L'u7myx) rpjf0z,.y`VMyx-&Ju`U0 The HFS-DKA simulation teaching consisted of pre-briefing (an hour), running simulation (30 minutes) and debriefing (an hour) for the high-fidelity simulator using the Lardeal SIM man . The addition of a fluid infusion containing some potassium allows insulin therapy to continue to suppress ketogenesis and normalise plasma pH whilst preventing the development of hypokalaemia. You could also ask a student to smear a small amount of acetone on a piece of glass to see how volatile it is, helping them understand why its being exhaled by the DKA patient. A fixed-rate intravenous insulin infusion should be commenced initially to suppress ketogenesis, reduce blood glucose levels and address electrolyte disturbances. Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management. 3. Given such a small group, the students indicated that they feel more involved than they would with a larger group (eg, the whole class.) Trainee will appropriately request assistance and use available resources. 2011;15:108109. Check out our other awesome clinical skills resources including: It may be necessary toexposethe patient during your assessment: remember to prioritise patient dignity and conservation of body heat. This video demonstrates how to use the SOCRATES acronym when taking a history of pain or other symptoms.
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